Saturday 29 April 2017


Don't  talk  about  the  problem.  Talk  about  the solution. The  Scripture  says,  "Let  the  weak  say,  'I  am  strong.'" Notice  it  doesn't  say,  "Let  the  weak  talk  about  their weakness.  Let  the  weak  call  five  friends  and  discuss their  weakness."  "Let  the  weak  complain  about  their weakness."  No,  it  says  in  effect,  "Let  the  weak  say exactly  the  opposite  of  how  they  feel." In  other  words,  don't  talk  about  the  way  you  are. Talk  about  the  way  you  want  to  be.  If  you  get  up  in the  morning  feeling  tired  and  lethargic,  instead  of complaining  more  than  ever,  you  need  to  declare,  "I am  strong  in  the  Lord.  I  am  full  of  energy.  My strength  is  being  renewed.  This  will  be  a  great  day."

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Possessing the Knowledge of God

Possessing the knowledge of God. 

It's important to possess the knowledge of God because it determines your confidence level, strength and exploits. Your confidence, strength and exploits cannot go beyond the level of the knowledge of God that you possess.  If don't know God, you cannot put confidence in him;because knowledge breeds confidence.  Col 1:9-11

We don't rely on people based on assumptions.  We don't trust people blindly ;trust is based on knowledge not just love.  God loves everyone, but He doesn't trust everyone. 

The knowledge of God liberates you from fears:fear of man and of the enemies. "we shall know the truth and it shall set us free".

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Positive Thinking...

You have probably had someone tell you to think positive when you were in a trying situation. That is because the power of positive thinking is something that is a widely held belief. 

Most people easily accept that when you give off positive energy, you can infect others with that positive energy and that they will return that energy to you. It is basically the idea that what you put out there will come back to you. 

Positive influences are all around us. They exist because people love to feel good. People prefer the positive to the negative. You can likely relate to this. You would probably rather be around someone who is upbeat and full of energy than someone who is depressed and moping around. 

People see that thinking positive and having a positive attitude can play a large role in their life. Positive thinking can be very powerful and by putting it to work in your life; you can reap the positive benefits. 

What is Positive Thinking?

Positive thinking can be defined as thinking good thoughts or being optimistic. When it comes to positive thinking there is no room for the negative. When you are a positive thinker, you will always look on the good side of things. You will not dwell on bad things; instead, you will look for the good in them. 

Positive thinking involves no negative thinking. Instead of thinking about what could go wrong, a positive thinker thinks about what can go right. A positive thinker is going to look for the good in things. That means they will always try to find something positive about every situation.

Positive thinking plays a large role in life. A person who thinks positive will end up having a more positive life then someone who thinks negative. A positive thinker is going to be able to stay upbeat in any situation. That is because they do not dwell on the negative. They can always find a way to look at the positive in any situation.

When bad things happen, a positive thinker is not going to let themselves get down and they are not going to let the bad invade their thoughts. Instead, they are going to look for positive things and look to find the solution to the negative situation.

They also adopt a different attitude than a negative thinker. A positive thinker is going to try to stay upbeat and happy. They are going to try to stay energized and not allow themselves to get down. If they feel tired or lazy, they are going to do something to help bring them back up.

Positive thinking can be used in every aspect of life, from the little things to major things. It can be used to help you get through trying times. You can also use it to just make your average day go a little better.

Positive thinking involves being able to see the good things, even in something bad. It involves being able to turn off the negative thoughts and replace them with good thoughts.Positive thinking will allow you to avoid always going to the negative when something bad happens. It will also allow you to assume that good things will come your way and it will help you project an attitude that will help bring good things your way.

Positive thinking is something that allows you to turn negatives into positives. It allows you to look on the brighter side of life. Positive thinking will open your eyes and your life to a world that is brighter and better than the negative one most people dwell in.

Positive thinking will help you grow and be open to success. Through positive thinking, you will be able to allow yourself to start to envision your life as being positive and powerful. You will open up the door for good things to happen in your life.

Thursday 13 April 2017

Self Development Tips.. By Tracy


1. Make friends with successful people and occasionally buy them gifts and surprise them with lunch because successful people always give and hardly get, so when you give them, they value the gift a lot.

2. Get a mentor and follow his instructions and respect the relationship. Never beg your mentor for money or disrespect his or her privacy.

3. Make new positive friends as often as possible and ensure you keep the communication line open. Create a network of friends and not just connections.

5. Show kindness to everyone. Some small boys today will be big boys tomorrow. The biggest dog in the neighbourhood was once a puppy. And keep the information/secret to yourself.

6. Always plan ahead and be proactive. He that plans the future work less in the future.

7. Listen to speeches and messages from great teachers. Both religious and educational.

8. Attend seminars and training on any area you need to improve yourself. Train the trainer, personal development, public speaking, sales etc.

9. Have the habit of keeping a pen and a writing pad handy because ideas come in the form of flashes. The smallest pen is bigger and better than the biggest brain.

10. Make sure at every point in time you are reading a book. If you spend 20 minutes reading daily, for 52 weeks you would have consumed 1,000,000 words.

11.Stay away from television as much as possible. You can watch educational channels. Men with big TV sit in front of them to watch men with big library.

12 Put control over your mouth, never say evil of any man, what you are not certain of should not be said. Say good of all men.

13. Always show appreciation for any good deed you received.

14. Always help someone in need.

15. Live a debt free life. What you can’t pay cash for is not your size.

16. Give out loans that you can part with as gift, so that you don’t destroy your business and relationship.

17. Create legitimate multiple sources of income.

18. Save at least 10 percent of your income.

19. Invest a portion of your income. And be patient to see it grow. If what you have in your hands is not good to be called a harvest then it’s a seed, sow it.

20. Keep a good financial record of all income and expenses, so you won’t ask later “where did my money go”

21. Be involved in community service. Control traffic, free lesson class for students etc.

22. Keep getting better on your daily goals and dream, develop yourself on them and make sure you get to the top 10 % of your industry.

23. Make sure you engage in exercise. It keeps your brain alert and your body fit to enjoy your success.

24. Pray often, and know that for every success, God made it possible.

Wishing you the very best. I tell you, this will keep you going in life if you practice what you just read.

Tuesday 11 April 2017


Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and think of what could go right.

Monday 10 April 2017

Overcoming Self Doubt...

Overcoming Self Doubt

Do You Have Self-Doubt?

Self-doubt is one of the primary obstacles in the way of living a fulfilling life. Extreme self-doubt is unhealthy for the soul and it drags down your spirit, prevents you from achieving your goals, and crushes your ambitions. Everyone has an inner voice in their head, telling them that they’re not strong enough, not good enough, and incapable of doing the things that they desire to accomplish. This feeling of incompetence or weakness stems from their childhood and tends to be ingrained in their overall being.

Self doubt leads to serious problems like depression and anxiety. It’s no secret that these emotional disorders can turn to physical ailments such as chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, weight gain, and increased mortality to people with heart disease. It’s important that you know the destructive power of extreme self-doubt. But, it’s better if you know how to counteract this negative feeling, so you can enjoy a fulfilling life.

How to Overcome Self-Doubt

Self-doubt is not a fatal disease. It’s simply a negative attitude that you need to correct to allow you to live a fulfilling life. Here are the best tips to overcome self-doubt.

Live Life in the Present – Feelings of extreme self-doubt are often attached to the memories of the past. These memories will probably be about a time when someone told you that you weren’t good enough or a time that you failed to accomplish something. If you keep on thinking about these things, you’re only attracting the negative energy that fuels your self-doubt. Do not live in these moments; think about the person you are in the present time. Just because you could not accomplish something in the past does not mean that you cannot complete it in the future. Each day is a new start and a chance of doing what you really want for real.

Trust Yourself – Oftentimes, your worst enemy can be your own self. If you keep on thinking that you are not good at something and cannot do the things you want to do, you will never even try it, and you will be stuck where you are right now. You need to have strong faith in yourself. You need to constantly tell yourself that you are capable of achieving your goals.

Counteract Your Negative Thoughts – There are times that the negative voices in your head tend to be stronger than the positive voices. When this happens, try to neglect them, and make planned efforts to concentrate on the positive voices. When you have a feeling that negatives thoughts are coming, remind yourself about your strengths and the traits you like about yourself. Think of all the things that you have achieved on your own in the past and this will make you proud of yourself.

Discover the Source of Your Self-Doubt – If you constantly tell yourself that you’re not good enough, you need to know the cause of the problem. Where does your self-doubt originate? What was the event that made you harbor this feeling? Once you have identified and understand the source of your self-doubt, it will be easier to eliminate your negative thought patterns.

Spend Time with Other People – Your family and friends are your primary source of strength, encouragement, and reassurance. When you have strong social support, you can get rid of your negative thoughts about yourself. Even strangers can be surprisingly helpful in getting rid of your self-doubt. Simply expressing your doubt to a complete stranger can make you realize how illogical your negativity can be.

Deep Driving out of Procrastination

Deep Diving Out Of ProcrastinationBy Frank Perez 

​Deep Diving Out Of Procrastination

By Frank Perez 

Procrastination - we're all guilty of this. You wouldn't be human if you didn't. So just why do we procrastinate at times? Recent research has revealed that we put off things that we don't like to do. In psychobabble - task aversiveness.

When we have tasks to do that we consider unpleasant, unenjoyable,

boring, frustrating, difficult or that we resent we are more likely to put these off and avoid them if possible.

This just seems to be common sense and logic so far. What else has the research uncovered? Come on Frank, get to the good stuff!

Okay, you've twisted my arm. The other thing that is important to note from the research is that the way we look at these tasks change over the life of the task. Early on, the more meaningful and purposeful the task is to what we imagine in our lives, the higher we rate that task as enjoyable. Later in the life of that same task what might make them aversive is not having them defined properly.

So, based on the above we might find ourselves needing to have

different strategies to finish off the tasks that we have given ourselves!

In very plain English, imagine you have decided that you are going to lose 10Kgs by going to the gym. In the early stages, motivation is quite simple because you still have the main goal in focus. Come day 3 of getting up early for the gym... different story!

What's in it for me?

Simple. We can take this knowledge and apply it accordingly. If you need to get yourself motivated early on in a project, task or goal -

make it more meaningful to your overall life goals. This should give you the kick-start that you need at that point in time.

When you find yourself beginning to look at the tasks in front of you with dread later in the project, perhaps remind yourself of what that small piece actually means to you as part of the bigger picture. Secondly, at this part of the journey - make sure that the tasks are clearly defined and structured so that there are no gray areas or uncertainty. Break down any complex task into more easily managed ones.

One Final Thought

Perception is reality.

Thinking that tasks are boring will make them boring.

Thinking that tasks are going to be hard will make them hard.

If you can change the way you look at the tasks in front of you, you will actually change your own behavior.