Sunday 30 July 2017



I dwell in the secret place of the Most High
I abide under the Shadow of the Almighty
I say of the Lord, He is my refuge and fortress
I trust in God wholeheartedly for my life's assignment

I am delivered from every snare, concerning me the snare is broken and I have escaped in the name of Jesus.
I am covered with God's feathers, no matter how common evil is, it will not come near me. I declare that no plague shall come near my dwelling place. I am established in righteousness and oppression is far from me

I set my love upon God, I grow in the things of the Spirit, I perceive that I am carrier of destiny therefore I am bringing forth. I have been impregnated with greatness. My process won't be a waste, no matter where I am today, I am ending up a world class product. I know the name of the Lord therefore He will set me on High. I decree that My life is decorated with Honour, Abundance and Long life.

I announce that the heavens over me is open, the clouds over me is heavy. I can feel the breeze of uncommon speed. I am soaked in the rain of grace. In this season, I receive showers of blessings. Showers for Showers, Blessings for Blessings. In my home, there will be showers of celebrations. In my  ministry, there shall be showers of open doors. In my business there shall be showers of exploits, everywhere I go my story shall be showers of miracles and showers of Favour. Today I receive the wealth that cannot finish. I am taking money out of money. I am a kingdom financier of the highest level.

From today, I begin to operate in the Isaac anointing, I prosper , I go forward till I become very great. I step into wide open spaces. I perceive that I have come out of bondage, my silver and gold is very plenty and I will not be feeble

My horn is exalted like that of a unicorn. I function with fresh oil. I am excited because I am a carrier of glory, a carrier of wealth, a dispenser of grace, a carrier of the anointing, I Have world class mind blowing results. I have speed on my feet. I am soaring on the wings of grace. I am bubbling with Zoe. It is happening already.



I dwell in the secret place of the Most High
I abide under the Shadow of the Almighty
I say of the Lord, He is my refuge and fortress
I trust in God wholeheartedly for my life's assignment

I am delivered from every snare, concerning me the snare is broken and I have escaped in the name of Jesus.
I am covered with God's feathers, no matter how common evil is, it will not come near me. I declare that no plague shall come near my dwelling place. I am established in righteousness and oppression is far from me

I set my love upon God, I grow in the things of the Spirit, I perceive that I am carrier of destiny therefore I am bringing forth. I have been impregnated with greatness. My process won't be a waste, no matter where I am today, I am ending up a world class product. I know the name of the Lord therefore He will set me on High. I decree that My life is decorated with Honour, Abundance and Long life.

I announce that the heavens over me is open, the clouds over me is heavy. I can feel the breeze of uncommon speed. I am soaked in the rain of grace. In this season, I receive showers of blessings. Showers for Showers, Blessings for Blessings. In my home, there will be showers of celebrations. In my  ministry, there shall be showers of open doors. In my business there shall be showers of exploits, everywhere I go my story shall be showers of miracles and showers of Favour. Today I receive the wealth that cannot finish. I am taking money out of money. I am a kingdom financier of the highest level.

From today, I begin to operate in the Isaac anointing, I prosper , I go forward till I become very great. I step into wide open spaces. I perceive that I have come out of bondage, my silver and gold is very plenty and I will not be feeble

My horn is exalted like that of a unicorn. I function with fresh oil. I am excited because I am a carrier of glory, a carrier of wealth, a dispenser of grace, a carrier of the anointing, I Have world class mind blowing results. I have speed on my feet. I am soaring on the wings of grace. I am bubbling with Zoe. It is happening already.

Sunday 23 July 2017


"(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 2 Corinthians 10:4"  :

The Christian has many weapons to fight the enemy, both within and without. The enemy uses our mind as a field to sow negative thoughts; these negative and unprofitable thoughts fight the good thoughts that the Lord puts in our minds. Some of these strongholds are those beliefs and philosophies we held onto before and after salvation which are not founded on the Word of God. The Christian has many weapons: the Word of God, faith, speaking in tongues, meditation on scripture and confessing them, prayer, etc. These are mighty enough to destroy every arrow and scheme of the devil. Dear reader, have you ever tried these weapons?

Friday 14 July 2017

His word, your wisdom

His Word, Your Wisdom

(Jeremiah 8:9 NKJV) The wise men are ashamed, They are dismayed and taken. Behold, they have rejected the word of the LORD; So what wisdom do they have?

It is so sad to see God's people subjected to poor standards in life. We see this happen a lot all because many Christians have made light of the most important weapon that heaven has given us, which is the Word of God. You were made to live by the wisdom that is in the Word of God. The world around you should find it difficult to predict you.

Why? Your life is built on the wisdom that the devil is yet to know. The secret to this extraordinary life is available to you. But you will not be able to lay hold on this wisdom until God's Word becomes real to you. Every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God is your source of wisdom. A man of the Word is a man of wisdom.

He has supernatural insight regarding life situations. Be smart. Place a great value on God's Word for it is your wisdom! Don't depend on natural wisdom. In the days we live in, natural wisdom will fail. But wisdom from the Word will always win.

Wednesday 5 July 2017

God is Healing our land

God Is Healing Our Lands  by Kenneth Copeland

Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? God forbid.
– Romans 3:3-4

Faith-filled words. That's what changes things. They'll move mountains into the sea. They'll turn sickness into health. They'll turn a sinner into a saint.

They'll also take a sin-ridden nation and turn it into God's own country. That's right. Then, if we believers would back up the prayers we've been praying for this nation with words of faith instead of doubt and discouragement, we'd soon begin to see spiritual resurrection in our country.

God promised us that if we, His people, would humble ourselves and pray and seek His face and turn from our wicked ways, He would heal our land. And let me tell you, there are prayer warriors all over this country (I hope you're one of them) who are doing what that promise requires.

But, even so, you don't hear many people saying, "This is great! God is healing the land." You don't hear people speaking out by faith the promise of God. Instead, you hear them saying, "Oh my, oh my, did you hear what those terrorists are doing?" or some other destructive thing they've seen on television.

Listen, we need to stop preaching what the terrorists are doing and start telling what God is doing! God said He is healing this land.

We must start speaking about this country by faith instead of going around spouting bad news all the time. Of course, that will sound odd to most people. Some of them may even think we've slipped a few cogs. But that's nothing new.

Let me tell you something: One handful of believers who are listening to, trusting in, and speaking out the good news of God are more powerful than all the devils on earth. One handful of believers is more powerful than a whole army of unbelieving doomsayers. The unbelief of the doomsayers will not make the faith of God of no effect!