Saturday 25 February 2017

Life Changing Faith Pictures Principles

Some people define faith as a belief in something for which they have no evidence for. Others think of faith as a set of religious beliefs. These are limited uses and understanding of faith. Faith is a force. Think of it as a life force energy that you direct, consciously or unconsciously. It is a force you use every day. People  use faith every day in ways that are very real and practical but hardly notice. This force of faith that you use has profound impact on our thoughts, emotions, and behavior.
Heb 11:1 Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].

Everyone puts their faith in something. We either trust in the Word of God or we trust in our feelings and perceptions . David was a man who trusted in the Word of God. In 1 Samuel 17 David is confronted with the taunts and challenges of Goliath. All the soldiers in the Israelite army saw Goliath, heard his arrogant words and were paralyzed with fear. David heard the same challenges, he saw the same giant, and he experienced the same feelings of righteous indignation for the name of the Lord. The difference was that David’s faith was rooted in what God said was true. David believed that God was bigger than Goliath. David believed that God’s promises were truer than Goliath’s threats.
David’s perspective was influenced by the Word of God not by his human fears or understanding. We don’t always get to choose which Goliath’s we face but we do get to choose whether we face our Goliath’s with our faith in God’s Word or our faith in ourselves. To be a mighty in faith like David, we need to be convinced that God’s Word is true; we need to be people who know what it says, do what it says and we need to be trained to use the Word as the sword of the Spirit.

Faith in yourself can give you a feeling of confidence. If you believe that you can do something, you have faith in your ability and you produce a feeling of confidence. When you doubt your ability, you are also investing faith. You invest your faith in the ideas and images that you will fail, and that people will judge you. When you put faith in those ideas and images you create emotions of fear or insecurity. In both cases, you are expressing the energy of faith. It is just that you express it into different conceptual ideas, outcomes, and self-images and this produces different emotions.

"whatsoever thing we hope for can be picture through the mind".
1. Whatever we see, we can pursue
"Mental pictures help determine our focus, Focus determines our behavior
2. Faith pictures inspire pursuit
3. Your Faith picture strengthen you through difficult seasons
4. Reject wrong pictures of doubt & unbelief
5.what you hear affects, what you say to others
6. What you keep seeing affects what you keep doing
7. Always document night dreams that inspires changes in your behavior.

God’s Word is life giving and life changing. It has the power to impart faith, increase courage and develop character. When we face Goliath with reliance on the Word of God, we are no longer trusting in our own resources but we are trusting in the supernatural resources of God.

Happy  Weekend

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