Monday 1 May 2017

31 Days Declaration by Joel Osteen

Our words have creative power. Whenever we speak something either good or bad, we give life to what we are saying.  Too many people says negative things about themselves, their families and about their futures.  They don't realize they are prophesying their future. Scripture says " we will eat the fruit of our words".  That means we ll get exactly what we ve been saying.  You can't talk lack and expect to have abundance.  If you want to know what you ll be like five years from now, listen to what you're saying about yourself.  With our words we can either bless our future or we curse it.
Thought may come(negative thoughts) to your mind, but don't make the mistake of verbalizing them.  The moment you speak them out, you allow them to take root.  Pro18:21 life and death are in the power of our tongue.
"What are you saying about your future?  What are you saying about your family, finances? Make sure the words you are sending out are in the direction you want your life to go. 
You may be in a difficult time right now, but let me challenge you.  Don't use your words to describe the situation. Use your words to change the situation. Declare Health, Declare Favor, Declare Abundance.
"Declare in your life, so your future can be bless"..
Happy New Month

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