Sunday 30 July 2017



I dwell in the secret place of the Most High
I abide under the Shadow of the Almighty
I say of the Lord, He is my refuge and fortress
I trust in God wholeheartedly for my life's assignment

I am delivered from every snare, concerning me the snare is broken and I have escaped in the name of Jesus.
I am covered with God's feathers, no matter how common evil is, it will not come near me. I declare that no plague shall come near my dwelling place. I am established in righteousness and oppression is far from me

I set my love upon God, I grow in the things of the Spirit, I perceive that I am carrier of destiny therefore I am bringing forth. I have been impregnated with greatness. My process won't be a waste, no matter where I am today, I am ending up a world class product. I know the name of the Lord therefore He will set me on High. I decree that My life is decorated with Honour, Abundance and Long life.

I announce that the heavens over me is open, the clouds over me is heavy. I can feel the breeze of uncommon speed. I am soaked in the rain of grace. In this season, I receive showers of blessings. Showers for Showers, Blessings for Blessings. In my home, there will be showers of celebrations. In my  ministry, there shall be showers of open doors. In my business there shall be showers of exploits, everywhere I go my story shall be showers of miracles and showers of Favour. Today I receive the wealth that cannot finish. I am taking money out of money. I am a kingdom financier of the highest level.

From today, I begin to operate in the Isaac anointing, I prosper , I go forward till I become very great. I step into wide open spaces. I perceive that I have come out of bondage, my silver and gold is very plenty and I will not be feeble

My horn is exalted like that of a unicorn. I function with fresh oil. I am excited because I am a carrier of glory, a carrier of wealth, a dispenser of grace, a carrier of the anointing, I Have world class mind blowing results. I have speed on my feet. I am soaring on the wings of grace. I am bubbling with Zoe. It is happening already.



I dwell in the secret place of the Most High
I abide under the Shadow of the Almighty
I say of the Lord, He is my refuge and fortress
I trust in God wholeheartedly for my life's assignment

I am delivered from every snare, concerning me the snare is broken and I have escaped in the name of Jesus.
I am covered with God's feathers, no matter how common evil is, it will not come near me. I declare that no plague shall come near my dwelling place. I am established in righteousness and oppression is far from me

I set my love upon God, I grow in the things of the Spirit, I perceive that I am carrier of destiny therefore I am bringing forth. I have been impregnated with greatness. My process won't be a waste, no matter where I am today, I am ending up a world class product. I know the name of the Lord therefore He will set me on High. I decree that My life is decorated with Honour, Abundance and Long life.

I announce that the heavens over me is open, the clouds over me is heavy. I can feel the breeze of uncommon speed. I am soaked in the rain of grace. In this season, I receive showers of blessings. Showers for Showers, Blessings for Blessings. In my home, there will be showers of celebrations. In my  ministry, there shall be showers of open doors. In my business there shall be showers of exploits, everywhere I go my story shall be showers of miracles and showers of Favour. Today I receive the wealth that cannot finish. I am taking money out of money. I am a kingdom financier of the highest level.

From today, I begin to operate in the Isaac anointing, I prosper , I go forward till I become very great. I step into wide open spaces. I perceive that I have come out of bondage, my silver and gold is very plenty and I will not be feeble

My horn is exalted like that of a unicorn. I function with fresh oil. I am excited because I am a carrier of glory, a carrier of wealth, a dispenser of grace, a carrier of the anointing, I Have world class mind blowing results. I have speed on my feet. I am soaring on the wings of grace. I am bubbling with Zoe. It is happening already.

Sunday 23 July 2017


"(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 2 Corinthians 10:4"  :

The Christian has many weapons to fight the enemy, both within and without. The enemy uses our mind as a field to sow negative thoughts; these negative and unprofitable thoughts fight the good thoughts that the Lord puts in our minds. Some of these strongholds are those beliefs and philosophies we held onto before and after salvation which are not founded on the Word of God. The Christian has many weapons: the Word of God, faith, speaking in tongues, meditation on scripture and confessing them, prayer, etc. These are mighty enough to destroy every arrow and scheme of the devil. Dear reader, have you ever tried these weapons?

Friday 14 July 2017

His word, your wisdom

His Word, Your Wisdom

(Jeremiah 8:9 NKJV) The wise men are ashamed, They are dismayed and taken. Behold, they have rejected the word of the LORD; So what wisdom do they have?

It is so sad to see God's people subjected to poor standards in life. We see this happen a lot all because many Christians have made light of the most important weapon that heaven has given us, which is the Word of God. You were made to live by the wisdom that is in the Word of God. The world around you should find it difficult to predict you.

Why? Your life is built on the wisdom that the devil is yet to know. The secret to this extraordinary life is available to you. But you will not be able to lay hold on this wisdom until God's Word becomes real to you. Every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God is your source of wisdom. A man of the Word is a man of wisdom.

He has supernatural insight regarding life situations. Be smart. Place a great value on God's Word for it is your wisdom! Don't depend on natural wisdom. In the days we live in, natural wisdom will fail. But wisdom from the Word will always win.

Wednesday 5 July 2017

God is Healing our land

God Is Healing Our Lands  by Kenneth Copeland

Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? God forbid.
– Romans 3:3-4

Faith-filled words. That's what changes things. They'll move mountains into the sea. They'll turn sickness into health. They'll turn a sinner into a saint.

They'll also take a sin-ridden nation and turn it into God's own country. That's right. Then, if we believers would back up the prayers we've been praying for this nation with words of faith instead of doubt and discouragement, we'd soon begin to see spiritual resurrection in our country.

God promised us that if we, His people, would humble ourselves and pray and seek His face and turn from our wicked ways, He would heal our land. And let me tell you, there are prayer warriors all over this country (I hope you're one of them) who are doing what that promise requires.

But, even so, you don't hear many people saying, "This is great! God is healing the land." You don't hear people speaking out by faith the promise of God. Instead, you hear them saying, "Oh my, oh my, did you hear what those terrorists are doing?" or some other destructive thing they've seen on television.

Listen, we need to stop preaching what the terrorists are doing and start telling what God is doing! God said He is healing this land.

We must start speaking about this country by faith instead of going around spouting bad news all the time. Of course, that will sound odd to most people. Some of them may even think we've slipped a few cogs. But that's nothing new.

Let me tell you something: One handful of believers who are listening to, trusting in, and speaking out the good news of God are more powerful than all the devils on earth. One handful of believers is more powerful than a whole army of unbelieving doomsayers. The unbelief of the doomsayers will not make the faith of God of no effect!

Wednesday 28 June 2017

Tips To Enhance The Quality Of Your Life

Not everyone leads a comfortable and peaceful life. But this need not be the case. If you are also struggling to lead a peaceful life, you can use the following tips for enhancing the quality of your life.

1. Try to remain motivated always
Whatever may be your goal, your passion should be strong. Only then, you will willingly take consistent action. Otherwise, you may get bored soon. One of the steps suggested for having a strong motivation is to keep changing the sequence of doing things. Similarly, try to add novel elements to your activities. You must also be ready to improve upon your knowledge by learning new things, Most importantly, you must be clear about your goals. If you split your major goal into smaller ones and keep rewarding yourself for achieving these smaller milestones, you can always remain motivated.

2. Acquire leadership skills for leading a better life
If you think that since you are working under a manager, you are not a leader, you are wrong. Even subordinates must have leadership skills because you may need those skills quite often. If you participate actively in team or group meetings, voice your opinions boldly and clearly and at the same time, allow others also to voice their opinions, you are proving that you possess leadership skills.
Similarly, try to come up with solutions to the issues you and your group may face. Your solutions should be based on strong and stimulating ideas. Likewise, when others come out with creative solutions, show your appreciation sincerely. This is also a leadership quality. A remarkable benefit of this approach is that you will develop an excellent rapport with those folks. You can expect to have good cooperation from them also.

3. Learn to communicate more effectively
A number of people think that if they possess excellent language skills, they are good communicators. But they cannot be more wrong. Though language skills are important, communication is not just limited to language skills. How you effectively use non-verbal signals is important to be a good communicator. Some of the non-verbal signals are having proper eye contact, understanding the non-verbal signals of others, and using your tone for conveying the right messages, information and emotions with the right emphasis. Similarly, learning to understand the information, messages and emotions of others by reading their verbal and non-verbal signals in the right manner is important as well.

4. Improve the accuracy of your decisions
This is very important for leading a better life. Experts point out that if you use what is known as the "six-thinking-hats" approach, you can view situations from multiple perspectives that include positive, negative, emotional, rational, creative, and intuitive angles. You must also take into account the costs you are likely to incur in implementing the decisions and also the benefits you may derive out of them. Of course, you must check if your decisions will perfectly fulfill your needs.

5. A good memory will also help in leading a better life
Those who have achieved stupendous success in life may have a good memory. Developing such a memory will help you as well. Having utmost focus on the information you gather or learn, rehearsing on the things you learn, and eliminating distractions are some of the ways to develop a good memory.

6. Make wise financial decisions
There are a few key principles that may help in making wise financial decisions. The first principle is that you must begin your investments in savings as early as possible. Procrastination will deprive you of very good opportunities. Committing in advance for parking your funds in worthwhile investments is the second principle and a sound strategy. Thirdly, never allow personal biases to influence your financial decisions.

7. Learn to improve your productivity
Researchers were previously suggesting that multitasking would help but recent studies have revealed that trying to do more number of tasks simultaneously may hamper accuracy, efficiency, productivity and speed. So, focus on one single task and move on to the next one only after finishing the first one.

8. Maintain your health
Eat healthy foods, do your exercises regularly, and have adequate sleep for maintaining your health. Researchers have found that exposure to sunlight is equally important to have good health. Likewise, you must stay away from unhealthy behaviors and habits also.

These tips will go a long way in helping you in enhancing the quality of your life.

Monday 26 June 2017

Positive Mindset....

​You have probably had someone tell you to think positive when you were in a trying situation. That is because the power of positive thinking is something that is a widely held belief. 

Most people easily accept that when you give off positive energy, you can infect others with that positive energy and that they will return that energy to you. It is basically the idea that what you put out there will come back to you. 

Positive influences are all around us. They exist because people love to feel good. People prefer the positive to the negative. You can likely relate to this. You would probably rather be around someone who is upbeat and full of energy than someone who is depressed and moping around. 

People see that thinking positive and having a positive attitude can play a large role in their life. Positive thinking can be very powerful and by putting it to work in your life; you can reap the positive benefits. 

What is Positive Thinking?

Positive thinking can be defined as thinking good thoughts or being optimistic. When it comes to positive thinking there is no room for the negative. When you are a positive thinker, you will always look on the good side of things. You will not dwell on bad things; instead, you will look for the good in them. 

Positive thinking involves no negative thinking. Instead of thinking about what could go wrong, a positive thinker thinks about what can go right. A positive thinker is going to look for the good in things. That means they will always try to find something positive about every situation. 

Positive thinking plays a large role in life. A person who thinks positive will end up having a more positive life then someone who thinks negative. A positive thinker is going to be able to stay upbeat in any situation. That is because they do not dwell on the negative. They can always find a way to look at the positive in any situation. 

When bad things happen, a positive thinker is not going to let themselves get down and they are not going to let the bad invade their thoughts. Instead, they are going to look for positive things and look to find the solution to the negative situation. 

They also adopt a different attitude than a negative thinker. A positive thinker is going to try to stay upbeat and happy. They are going to try to stay energized and not allow themselves to get down. If they feel tired or lazy, they are going to do something to help bring them back up. 

Positive thinking can be used in every aspect of life, from the little things to major things. It can be used to help you get through trying times. You can also use it to just make your average day go a little better. 

Positive thinking involves being able to see the good things, even in something bad. It involves being able to turn off the negative thoughts and replace them with good thoughts.Positive thinking will allow you to avoid always going to the negative when something bad happens. It will also allow you to assume that good things will come your way and it will help you project an attitude that will help bring good things your way. 

Positive thinking is something that allows you to turn negatives into positives. It allows you to look on the brighter side of life. Positive thinking will open your eyes and your life to a world that is brighter and better than the negative one most people dwell in. 

Positive thinking will help you grow and be open to success. Through positive thinking, you will be able to allow yourself to start to envision your life as being positive and powerful. You will open up the door for good things to happen in your life.

Saturday 6 May 2017


Choose a partner wisely and well. We are attracted to people for all kinds of reasons. They remind us of someone from our past. They shower us with gifts and make us feel important. Evaluate a potential partner as you would a friend; look at their character, personality, values, their generosity of spirit, the relationship between their words and actions, their relationships with others.

Friday 5 May 2017

Day 5

I  DECLARE  I  am  grateful  for  who  God is  in  my  life  and  for  what  He's  done.  I will  not  take  for  granted  the  people, the  opportunities,  and  the  favor  He has  blessed  me  with.  I  will  look  at what  is  right  and  not  what  is  wrong.  I will  thank  Him  for  what  I  have  and not  complain  about  what  I  don't  have. I  will  see  each  day  as  a  gift  from  God. My  heart  will  overflow  with  praise  and gratitude  for  all  of  His  goodness. This  is  my  declaration.
Happy Weekend

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Day 4(Declaration by Joel Osteen)

Day 4
I DECLARE it is not too late to accomplish  everything  God  has placed in my heart. I have not missed my  window  of  opportunity.  God  has moments  of  favor  in  my  future.  He  is preparing  me  right  now  because  He  is about  to  release  a  special  grace  to  help me  accomplish  that  dream.  This  is  my time.  This  is  my  moment.  I  receive  it today!    This  is  my  declaration.

Monday 1 May 2017

Day 2

I  DECLARE  I  will  experience  God's faithfulness.  I  will  not  worry.    I will not doubt. I will keep my trust in Him, knowing that He will not fail  me.  I  will  give  birth  to  every promise God put in my heart and I  will  become  everything  God  created me  to  be.    This  is  my  declaration.

Day 1

I DECLARE God's incredible blessings over my life. I will see an  explosion  of  God's  goodness,  a sudden  widespread  increase.    I  will experience  the  surpassing  greatness  of God's  favor.  It  will  elevate  me  to  a level  higher  than  I  ever  dreamed  of. Explosive  blessings  are  coming  my  way. This  is  my  declaration.

31 Days Declaration by Joel Osteen

Our words have creative power. Whenever we speak something either good or bad, we give life to what we are saying.  Too many people says negative things about themselves, their families and about their futures.  They don't realize they are prophesying their future. Scripture says " we will eat the fruit of our words".  That means we ll get exactly what we ve been saying.  You can't talk lack and expect to have abundance.  If you want to know what you ll be like five years from now, listen to what you're saying about yourself.  With our words we can either bless our future or we curse it.
Thought may come(negative thoughts) to your mind, but don't make the mistake of verbalizing them.  The moment you speak them out, you allow them to take root.  Pro18:21 life and death are in the power of our tongue.
"What are you saying about your future?  What are you saying about your family, finances? Make sure the words you are sending out are in the direction you want your life to go. 
You may be in a difficult time right now, but let me challenge you.  Don't use your words to describe the situation. Use your words to change the situation. Declare Health, Declare Favor, Declare Abundance.
"Declare in your life, so your future can be bless"..
Happy New Month

Saturday 29 April 2017


Don't  talk  about  the  problem.  Talk  about  the solution. The  Scripture  says,  "Let  the  weak  say,  'I  am  strong.'" Notice  it  doesn't  say,  "Let  the  weak  talk  about  their weakness.  Let  the  weak  call  five  friends  and  discuss their  weakness."  "Let  the  weak  complain  about  their weakness."  No,  it  says  in  effect,  "Let  the  weak  say exactly  the  opposite  of  how  they  feel." In  other  words,  don't  talk  about  the  way  you  are. Talk  about  the  way  you  want  to  be.  If  you  get  up  in the  morning  feeling  tired  and  lethargic,  instead  of complaining  more  than  ever,  you  need  to  declare,  "I am  strong  in  the  Lord.  I  am  full  of  energy.  My strength  is  being  renewed.  This  will  be  a  great  day."

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Possessing the Knowledge of God

Possessing the knowledge of God. 

It's important to possess the knowledge of God because it determines your confidence level, strength and exploits. Your confidence, strength and exploits cannot go beyond the level of the knowledge of God that you possess.  If don't know God, you cannot put confidence in him;because knowledge breeds confidence.  Col 1:9-11

We don't rely on people based on assumptions.  We don't trust people blindly ;trust is based on knowledge not just love.  God loves everyone, but He doesn't trust everyone. 

The knowledge of God liberates you from fears:fear of man and of the enemies. "we shall know the truth and it shall set us free".

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Positive Thinking...

You have probably had someone tell you to think positive when you were in a trying situation. That is because the power of positive thinking is something that is a widely held belief. 

Most people easily accept that when you give off positive energy, you can infect others with that positive energy and that they will return that energy to you. It is basically the idea that what you put out there will come back to you. 

Positive influences are all around us. They exist because people love to feel good. People prefer the positive to the negative. You can likely relate to this. You would probably rather be around someone who is upbeat and full of energy than someone who is depressed and moping around. 

People see that thinking positive and having a positive attitude can play a large role in their life. Positive thinking can be very powerful and by putting it to work in your life; you can reap the positive benefits. 

What is Positive Thinking?

Positive thinking can be defined as thinking good thoughts or being optimistic. When it comes to positive thinking there is no room for the negative. When you are a positive thinker, you will always look on the good side of things. You will not dwell on bad things; instead, you will look for the good in them. 

Positive thinking involves no negative thinking. Instead of thinking about what could go wrong, a positive thinker thinks about what can go right. A positive thinker is going to look for the good in things. That means they will always try to find something positive about every situation.

Positive thinking plays a large role in life. A person who thinks positive will end up having a more positive life then someone who thinks negative. A positive thinker is going to be able to stay upbeat in any situation. That is because they do not dwell on the negative. They can always find a way to look at the positive in any situation.

When bad things happen, a positive thinker is not going to let themselves get down and they are not going to let the bad invade their thoughts. Instead, they are going to look for positive things and look to find the solution to the negative situation.

They also adopt a different attitude than a negative thinker. A positive thinker is going to try to stay upbeat and happy. They are going to try to stay energized and not allow themselves to get down. If they feel tired or lazy, they are going to do something to help bring them back up.

Positive thinking can be used in every aspect of life, from the little things to major things. It can be used to help you get through trying times. You can also use it to just make your average day go a little better.

Positive thinking involves being able to see the good things, even in something bad. It involves being able to turn off the negative thoughts and replace them with good thoughts.Positive thinking will allow you to avoid always going to the negative when something bad happens. It will also allow you to assume that good things will come your way and it will help you project an attitude that will help bring good things your way.

Positive thinking is something that allows you to turn negatives into positives. It allows you to look on the brighter side of life. Positive thinking will open your eyes and your life to a world that is brighter and better than the negative one most people dwell in.

Positive thinking will help you grow and be open to success. Through positive thinking, you will be able to allow yourself to start to envision your life as being positive and powerful. You will open up the door for good things to happen in your life.

Thursday 13 April 2017

Self Development Tips.. By Tracy


1. Make friends with successful people and occasionally buy them gifts and surprise them with lunch because successful people always give and hardly get, so when you give them, they value the gift a lot.

2. Get a mentor and follow his instructions and respect the relationship. Never beg your mentor for money or disrespect his or her privacy.

3. Make new positive friends as often as possible and ensure you keep the communication line open. Create a network of friends and not just connections.

5. Show kindness to everyone. Some small boys today will be big boys tomorrow. The biggest dog in the neighbourhood was once a puppy. And keep the information/secret to yourself.

6. Always plan ahead and be proactive. He that plans the future work less in the future.

7. Listen to speeches and messages from great teachers. Both religious and educational.

8. Attend seminars and training on any area you need to improve yourself. Train the trainer, personal development, public speaking, sales etc.

9. Have the habit of keeping a pen and a writing pad handy because ideas come in the form of flashes. The smallest pen is bigger and better than the biggest brain.

10. Make sure at every point in time you are reading a book. If you spend 20 minutes reading daily, for 52 weeks you would have consumed 1,000,000 words.

11.Stay away from television as much as possible. You can watch educational channels. Men with big TV sit in front of them to watch men with big library.

12 Put control over your mouth, never say evil of any man, what you are not certain of should not be said. Say good of all men.

13. Always show appreciation for any good deed you received.

14. Always help someone in need.

15. Live a debt free life. What you can’t pay cash for is not your size.

16. Give out loans that you can part with as gift, so that you don’t destroy your business and relationship.

17. Create legitimate multiple sources of income.

18. Save at least 10 percent of your income.

19. Invest a portion of your income. And be patient to see it grow. If what you have in your hands is not good to be called a harvest then it’s a seed, sow it.

20. Keep a good financial record of all income and expenses, so you won’t ask later “where did my money go”

21. Be involved in community service. Control traffic, free lesson class for students etc.

22. Keep getting better on your daily goals and dream, develop yourself on them and make sure you get to the top 10 % of your industry.

23. Make sure you engage in exercise. It keeps your brain alert and your body fit to enjoy your success.

24. Pray often, and know that for every success, God made it possible.

Wishing you the very best. I tell you, this will keep you going in life if you practice what you just read.

Tuesday 11 April 2017


Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and think of what could go right.

Monday 10 April 2017

Overcoming Self Doubt...

Overcoming Self Doubt

Do You Have Self-Doubt?

Self-doubt is one of the primary obstacles in the way of living a fulfilling life. Extreme self-doubt is unhealthy for the soul and it drags down your spirit, prevents you from achieving your goals, and crushes your ambitions. Everyone has an inner voice in their head, telling them that they’re not strong enough, not good enough, and incapable of doing the things that they desire to accomplish. This feeling of incompetence or weakness stems from their childhood and tends to be ingrained in their overall being.

Self doubt leads to serious problems like depression and anxiety. It’s no secret that these emotional disorders can turn to physical ailments such as chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, weight gain, and increased mortality to people with heart disease. It’s important that you know the destructive power of extreme self-doubt. But, it’s better if you know how to counteract this negative feeling, so you can enjoy a fulfilling life.

How to Overcome Self-Doubt

Self-doubt is not a fatal disease. It’s simply a negative attitude that you need to correct to allow you to live a fulfilling life. Here are the best tips to overcome self-doubt.

Live Life in the Present – Feelings of extreme self-doubt are often attached to the memories of the past. These memories will probably be about a time when someone told you that you weren’t good enough or a time that you failed to accomplish something. If you keep on thinking about these things, you’re only attracting the negative energy that fuels your self-doubt. Do not live in these moments; think about the person you are in the present time. Just because you could not accomplish something in the past does not mean that you cannot complete it in the future. Each day is a new start and a chance of doing what you really want for real.

Trust Yourself – Oftentimes, your worst enemy can be your own self. If you keep on thinking that you are not good at something and cannot do the things you want to do, you will never even try it, and you will be stuck where you are right now. You need to have strong faith in yourself. You need to constantly tell yourself that you are capable of achieving your goals.

Counteract Your Negative Thoughts – There are times that the negative voices in your head tend to be stronger than the positive voices. When this happens, try to neglect them, and make planned efforts to concentrate on the positive voices. When you have a feeling that negatives thoughts are coming, remind yourself about your strengths and the traits you like about yourself. Think of all the things that you have achieved on your own in the past and this will make you proud of yourself.

Discover the Source of Your Self-Doubt – If you constantly tell yourself that you’re not good enough, you need to know the cause of the problem. Where does your self-doubt originate? What was the event that made you harbor this feeling? Once you have identified and understand the source of your self-doubt, it will be easier to eliminate your negative thought patterns.

Spend Time with Other People – Your family and friends are your primary source of strength, encouragement, and reassurance. When you have strong social support, you can get rid of your negative thoughts about yourself. Even strangers can be surprisingly helpful in getting rid of your self-doubt. Simply expressing your doubt to a complete stranger can make you realize how illogical your negativity can be.

Deep Driving out of Procrastination

Deep Diving Out Of ProcrastinationBy Frank Perez 

​Deep Diving Out Of Procrastination

By Frank Perez 

Procrastination - we're all guilty of this. You wouldn't be human if you didn't. So just why do we procrastinate at times? Recent research has revealed that we put off things that we don't like to do. In psychobabble - task aversiveness.

When we have tasks to do that we consider unpleasant, unenjoyable,

boring, frustrating, difficult or that we resent we are more likely to put these off and avoid them if possible.

This just seems to be common sense and logic so far. What else has the research uncovered? Come on Frank, get to the good stuff!

Okay, you've twisted my arm. The other thing that is important to note from the research is that the way we look at these tasks change over the life of the task. Early on, the more meaningful and purposeful the task is to what we imagine in our lives, the higher we rate that task as enjoyable. Later in the life of that same task what might make them aversive is not having them defined properly.

So, based on the above we might find ourselves needing to have

different strategies to finish off the tasks that we have given ourselves!

In very plain English, imagine you have decided that you are going to lose 10Kgs by going to the gym. In the early stages, motivation is quite simple because you still have the main goal in focus. Come day 3 of getting up early for the gym... different story!

What's in it for me?

Simple. We can take this knowledge and apply it accordingly. If you need to get yourself motivated early on in a project, task or goal -

make it more meaningful to your overall life goals. This should give you the kick-start that you need at that point in time.

When you find yourself beginning to look at the tasks in front of you with dread later in the project, perhaps remind yourself of what that small piece actually means to you as part of the bigger picture. Secondly, at this part of the journey - make sure that the tasks are clearly defined and structured so that there are no gray areas or uncertainty. Break down any complex task into more easily managed ones.

One Final Thought

Perception is reality.

Thinking that tasks are boring will make them boring.

Thinking that tasks are going to be hard will make them hard.

If you can change the way you look at the tasks in front of you, you will actually change your own behavior.

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Once you choose hope, anything is possible

"Hope is the Last thing ever lost".. - - - - Italian Proverb

Ecc9:4 Anyone who is among the living has hope, even a live dog is better off than a dead lion..

Life is full of pains, suffering, disappointment and knocked down, but it can be overcome with Hope.  Hope provide us with strength and energy to with stand the tussle of life.

"Hope is an Optimistic attitude of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes related to events and circumstances in one's life and the world at large". Hope motivates us to persevere, despite the obstacles, the trial of life, not knowing how, when, or where or why our life story will conclude.

Hope can impact several aspects of life such as health, work, education and personal meaning.  Synder postulated that there are three main things that make up hopeful thinking
Goal- Approaching life in a goal oriented way.
Pathway- Finding different ways to achieve your goals
Agency -  Believing that you can instigate change and achieve these goals.

Benefits of Hope
Rom15:13  "May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may Overflow with hope by the power of Holy Spirit.
- it comfort us
- it gives gift of Faith
-it encourages us
-it gives peace
-it gives Joy

Hope is not a wishful thinking, nor is it magical thinking.  Hope is an emotion, a mindset, a belief, a motivation, that despite set back and obstacles, challenges and circumstances, you believe that your life will workout, you can achieve and do incredible things..

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Most difficult age for most Nigerian Men

Found this interesting piece on facebook and i decided to share...enjoy

The most difficult age for any man born in Nigeria should be between 24 and 29 years, the pressure to be something, to be someone is so immense. When you look around you everyone seems to be doing something for themselves, people seem to be living a life you only dream of. You have applied for jobs and the results have been more disappointing than Yakubu Aiyegbeni goal miss at the world cup.

Sadly this is the age when most guys lose it, the age when if not careful one is consumed by alcohol or drugs, because the disappointments become too much and you find alternative ways to face reality. Worse is when a few people you studied with have been lucky enough to land
jobs, soon your circle of friends gets thinner – mostly they don’t even cut you out but you will be real with yourself and cut yourself off. I mean what will you do when you are in a WhatsApp group of friends and they are discussing about last week’s trip in Dubai and planning another trip to South Africa while you are not sure of what your next meal would be?
Most times you follow the conversation silently, all alone like a cross on the grave. Soon you realize this is no longer your kind of crowd because the more you keep around the more the pressure to be something, takes a toll on you.

You know when stories about house parties come up and you act deaf because you don’t know where an extra 5 guys would fit in your house. Have you ever sat in a group of people discussing the new iPhone on the market or how British Airways offers poo services and you can feel your heart whisper to you "boss this is chest pain hour, can we just go and find a group that talks about GMAT, SHL, Dragnet, jobberman or job vacancies sites".

But you sit there as these people are lost in their lifestyle conversations, you are like a secretary taking minutes in meeting. You are totally forgotten like one of a woman’s breasts during pre-intimacy. Once in a while one of the friends will turn and ask if you need another drink and you wonder if you should just say No and head home, but head home to do what? So you grudgingly drop in the comment “I will have just one last one“...Lie!!!

But after a few years of job hunting, you are now ready to take anything even if is to smell a rich man’s farts as long as it pays, so you end up as an office messenger in one blue chip company in town. To imagine that 4-5 years of studying and getting a degree is now reduced to picking and dropping off letters and if you are not doing that, you are being sent for cheap lunch by the employees when they are broke and they can’t order with fast food. This is when conversations about where people schooled start, you go silent for it’s no longer of any use to say you also reached University, it doesn’t matter – you have resorted to surviving.

Once in while you will bump into your now well to do classmates, they would offer you lunch, but not even eating the meals at Eko Hotel or Sheraton will make you feel better about yourself, because in your mind you wish instead they would give you the 30k and you sort your meals for the next 5 weeks. As it is the norm you will have photos taken, and uploaded on Facebook, but always it’s your face that would look the odd one out – not even the best filters can hide a face which has suffered the city's dust and sun but survives on boiled beans.

The worst mistake you can do during this period is to try and date – there is nothing that a person going through such times can offer in terms of love. How are you going to do evening romantic walks when you are tired from walking delivering letters in offices around town? What are you going to tell your lady when she says she wants to go for relaxation at the bar, pool or love garden sites that are in town? That your financial religion doesn’t allow it or what? This is the age when you sit back and watch as the ladies you would want to date are dating or getting married to guys 10 years older than you. And you can’t blame them – it’s only that your life seems to be progressing slower than their goals in life. Most of the ladies you meet during this period, if you are lucky will be patient with you till you hit 28, and if by then your life is still in disarray like Leicester city's performance in the EPL then my friend be prepared for a walk out.

But then this is the age when you learn a lot of about life, if you can hack through this stage of life the only hard moment in your life would be when you lose your parents - that’s if you are still lucky enough to have them. This stage teaches you a lot about perseverance, about appreciating the small wins you have each day, it teaches you something about friendship, love, career growth and personal responsibility. This is always your rise or fall moment depending on the choices you make.

How you live your life in the 30’s is determined by how you handled your life in this phase. Do not Give up. Do not Be Depressed. remain focused and create a Strategy. Be consistent, you must Surely Win. Peace

Monday 27 March 2017

5 Rules of a Relationship

- Stay Faithful

- Make them feel wanted

-Respect your Partner

-Don't flirt with others

-Make time.

Thursday 23 March 2017

Tips on How to Reach Out and Create Personal Connections....

Building social connections is both a skill and an asset. The wider connections of friends we have, the happier and fuller we become as individuals. Regardless of age, sex, race, and financial disposition, we all need to create and grow a network of friends and acquaintance to make our lives more worthwhile.

Aside from family, money, and life insurance among many other things, one other important ingredient to lead a worry-free life is having a solid set of friends. It is our friends that we need when we are down and depressed. It is our friends who turn to when we just want someone to talk to, or someone to listen to our woes. It is also our friends and acquaintances that we need by our side

when all that we want is hang loose and chill. There is nothing but truth in the adage, "no man is an island." It is a fact that we need friends, and we cannot live this life happy, healthy, and worthwhile without them.

But friendship doesn't mean that you need to be with them every minute of every day. That's the beauty of genuine and pure friendship- you don't have to be with each other's company to feel loved.

The connection is what makes friendships special. Common interests, passions, and hobbies connect people and help them to create friendships. These connections grow once you know your friends more. The connection then turns to love, care, and loyalty. With all these ingredients, you have a friendship that will last forever.

Aside from companionship, love, and care, there are also many perks to having a wide circle of friends. You gain benefits more connections, more information, and assistance as you build solid friendships with the people around you.
If you feel unsatisfied with your social life and would like to make it more worthwhile, here are some tips to boost your social connections.

1. Sign up for social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You probably have all of these already. But if you still don't have that many friends, try to browse through their friend suggestions. Join an online group that features your interests and hobbies. Start a conversation with acquaintances, and let these conversations lead you to knowing more people sharing the same interests as you!

2. Join local community groups you are most passionate about. If you are an animal lover, we are pretty sure there are animal advocacy group within your community. Great friendships often start between people who share the same passion and life advocacies.

3. Go to church. The church is a great venue for earning friends and building strong social connections. This is especially true if you want to further strengthen your faith as well as values in life.

4. Talk to your colleagues. To make the workplace bearable, start striking up conversations with your work mates. Having them around should not be stressful, but should be fun and interesting too.

5. Say hello to your neighbors. Don't be the snobbish, grumpy neighbor. Connect with your neighbors as they make excellent friends especially when you simply want to chill and talk about home and family life.

Monday 20 March 2017

Making a Great First impression

Making a Great First Impression It takes just a quick glance, maybe three seconds, for someone to evaluate you when you meet for the first time. In this short time, the other person forms an opinion about you based on your appearance, your body language, your demeanor, your mannerisms, and how you are dressed. With every new encounter, you are evaluated and yet another person’s impression of you is formed. These first impression can be nearly impossible to reverse or undo, making those first encounters extremely important, for they set the tone for the all the relationships that follows. So, whether they are in your career or social life, it’s important to know how to create a good first impression. This article provides some useful tips to help you do this. Be on Time Someone you are meeting for the first time is not interested in your “good excuse” for running late. Plan to arrive a few minutes early. And allow flexibility for possible delays in traffic or taking a wrong turn. Arriving early is much better that arriving late, hands down, and is the first step in creating a great first impression. Be Yourself, Be at Ease If you are feeling uncomfortable and on edge, this can make the other person ill at ease and that’s a sure way to create the wrong impression. If you are calm and confident, so the other person will feel more at ease, and so have a solid foundation for making that first impression a good one. See our section on relaxation techniques to find out how to calm that adrenaline! Present Yourself Appropriately Of course physical appearance matters. The person you are meeting for the first time does not know you and your appearance is usually the first clue he or she has to go on. No. The key to a good impression is to present yourself appropriately. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and so the “picture” you first present says much about you to the person you are meeting. Is your appearance saying the right things to help create the right first impression? Start with the way you dress. What is the appropriate dress for the meeting or occasion? In a business setting, what is the appropriate business attire? Suit, blazer, casual? And ask yourself what the person you’ll be meeting is likely to wear – if your contact is in advertising or the music industry, a pinstripe business suit may not strike the right note! A Winning Smile! “Smile and the world smiles too.”* So there’s nothing like a smile to create a good first impression. A warm and confident smile will put both you and the other person at ease. So smiling is a winner when it comes to great first impressions. But don’t go overboard with this – people who take this too far can seem insincere and smarmy, or can be seen to be “lightweights”. Be Open and Confident When it comes to making the first impression, body language as well as appearance speaks much louder than words. Use your body language to project appropriate confidence and self-assurance. Stand tall, smile (of course), make eye contact, greet with a firm handshake. All of this will help you project confidence and encourage both you and the other person to feel better at ease. Almost everyone gets a little nervous when meeting someone for the first time, which can lead to nervous habits or sweaty palms. By being aware of your nervous habits, you can try to keep them in check. And controlling a nervous jitter or a nervous laugh will give you confidence and help the other person feel at ease.. Small Talk Goes A Long Way. Conversations are based on verbal give and take. It may help you to prepare questions you have for the person you are meeting for the first time beforehand. Or, take a few minutes to learn something about the person you meet for the first time before you get together. For instance, does he play golf or know politics ? Does she work with a local charitable foundation? Is there anything that you know of that you have in common with the person you are meeting? If so, this can be a great way to open the conversation and to keep it flowing. Be Positive Your attitude shows through in everything you do. Project a positive attitude, even in the face of criticism or in the case of nervousness. Strive to learn from your meeting and to contribute appropriately, maintaining an upbeat manner and a smile. Be Courteous And Attentive It goes without saying that good manners and polite, attentive and courteous behavior help make a good first impression. In fact, anything less can ruin the one chance you have at making that first impression. So be on your best behavior! One modern manner worth mentioning is “turn off your mobile phone”. What first impression will you create if you are already speaking to someone other than the person you are meeting for the first time? Your new acquaintance deserves 100% of your attention. Anything less and you’ll create a less than good first impression. Follow : //

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Keep your Feet on the Rock...


Don’t  quit. There  is  a  big  difference  between  quitting  and  changing however.  I  believe  that  when  God  sees  someone  who  does  not  quit,  He looks down and says, “There is someone I can use.”

In  Galatians  6:9  (NIV)  we  are  told,  “Let  us  not  become  weary  in  doing good  ,  for  at  the  proper  time  we  will  reap  a  harvest  if  we  do  not  give  lip. “Look  at  this  verse  carefully.  It  urges  us  not  to  become  weary,  assuring us that we will not might, will-reap a harvest if we do not give up. God  does  not  quit.  It  is  impossible  for  him  to  do  so. 

In  Philippians  1:6 NIV)  the  Apostle  Paul  writes  about  “Being  confident  of  this,  that  he who  began  a  good  work  in  you  will  carry  it  on  to  completion  until  the day  of  Christ  Jesus.” 

There  are  several  important  pints  in  this  verse.  The most  crucial  is  the  fact  that  God  does  not  quit.  Therefore,  we  can  have great  confidence  that  He  will  complete  the  good  work  He  has  begun  in us.  He  will  see  us  through  every  step  until  we  reach  our  ultimate destination. One  of  the  best  scriptural  examples  of  a  person  who  did  not  quit  is Joseph. 

He  had  many  reasons  to  justify  giving  up.  When  he  was  trapped in  the  pit  where  his  brothers  had  thrown  him  because  of  their  jealousy,  I am  sure  he  said  to  himself,  “This  is  not  the  way  I  dreamed  my  life  would work  out!”  Later,  he  had  a  marvelous  opportunity  to  become discouraged  and  quit  when  he  was  thrown  into  prison  for  a  crime  he  did not  commit.  Again  he  could  have  said  to  himself,  “This  is  not  right;  I’m not  supposed  to  be  here.” 

Although  Joseph  did  not  understand  the  steps through  which  the  Lord  would  lead  him,  he  remained  true  to  his  God. Despite  the  trials  he  faced,  he  did  not  quit.  Eventually  the  dream  that God  has  given  Joseph  became  reality.  He  was  elevated  from  a  prisoner to a prime minister. There  is  no  greater  reward  than  that  which  comes  as  a  result  of holding  fast  to  the  Word  and  to  the  will  of  God.  Only  you  can  decide not  to  lose.

Most  people  quit  when  they  are  on  the  verge  of  success. Often,  success  was  at  their  fingertips.  There  is  only  one  degree  of difference between hot water and steam. In  Luke  18  (NIV)  Jesus  told  the  parable  of  the  persistent  widow.  The Bible  reveals  His  purpose  in  relating  this  story.  Verse  1  says,  “Then Jesus  told  his  disciples  a  parable  to  show  them  they  should  always  pray and  not  give  up.”  The  psalmist  tells  us,  “Commit  thy  way  unto  the  Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass” (Psalm 37:5).

The  only  way  we  can  lose  is  to  quit.  Quitting  is  the  only  decision  we  can make that can keep us from reaching God’s goals in our lives.

Tuesday 14 March 2017


The Basics of Effectiveness

People are facing different challenges in their daily lives. They need to come up with good results to prove themselves or somebody else that they are worthy of doing so. Basically, these tasks are evaluated according to their degree of effectiveness and efficiency. Whether you are in a business owner, an employee, or an ordinary person at home, it is highly essential to management effectiveness well.

The overall success of what you are currently doing depends how you will get things done right. For this reason, you need to learn what it is all about and how it can totally affect your personality and the things around you. Bear in mind that the final outcome of what you had done will reflect to you as a person. Thus, you must think and follow what is right naturally. If you want to improve your perception about effectiveness, continue reading and put into your mind and heart all the information you are going to learn.

What is Effectiveness?

Effectiveness refers to the degree in which objectives have been obtained and the extent which target problems have been resolved. It is distinguished with no reference to cost. Effectiveness also means “doing the right thing while efficiency is about “doing such thing right”. Another definition that may be incorporated with this word is the ability of intervention to perform more good things than harm for target population in the real world situation.

Personal effectiveness is not all about reaching your goals for you can do it in a time consuming, sloppy, or wasteful way. It implies that you have to start making use of time practically as well as the rest of personal resources. This is how you achieve goals efficiently, such as investment, and get the best return.

Effective individuals are more than those persons who obtain what they exactly want. These people have 2 qualities: They are making the best use of resources and they have been skilled at reaching their goals. Regardless of your main purpose in life, being effective indicates a good combination of skilled execution and efficiency.

People have been personally effective in distinct ways. This is due to the fact that everybody has various values, priorities, and goals in life. For instance, skilled communicators are effective in various ways according to what they wish to achieve. Some individuals who wish to entertain others should have an exceptional sense of humor. Once they impressed a broad audience, then they posses incredible presentation skills. On the other hand, the coach has to become a good listener and communicate sensitively.

Key Themes of Effectiveness

- Reliable – consistent, predictable, supports “single truth source”, self- correcting

- Appropriate – optimizes support and supports for business purposes

- Elegant – simplicity, self adapting, clarity, consistency for various human factors

- Integrated – supports, creates, and optimizes synergy in the entire systems

- Efficient –minimizes resource wastage and optimizes resource use

Effectiveness takes place when all things support everything else. When talking about business, many organizations are focused on giving exerting more efforts for efficiency. Efficiency is just a dimension of the entire effectiveness. To achieve exceptional results, all elements should be managed properly, fairly and consistently.

Thursday 9 March 2017

Steps to Develop more Discipline...

At some point in life, every person will feel the effects of a lack of self-discipline. It is a challenging goal to conquer, but anyone can develop more discipline. There will be set-backs along the way, but establishing good self-discipline is an important step for your personal development.

1. You are human
Don't forget that you are a human being. You will make mistakes, it is only natural. People start learning by trial and error in infancy-adult learning is often no different. The goal here is to learn from your mistakes and not keep repeating the same error time and time again. If you mess up one day, don't give up and don't beat yourself up. Just start fresh the next day.

2. Set attainable goals
Nothing kills a plan faster feeling like it's impossible to get anywhere. It's not conducive to your personal development to set the bar too high at first. If you currently don't exercise at all, a goal of walking three times a week is a nice, attainable goal. You are not going to go from being sedentary to running marathons overnight. Remember to keep your goals in check with your abilities. If you set the bar too high at first, you will burn out and give up. Set yourself up for success by keeping your goals within your abilities.

3. Reward yourself
When you reach a goal, go ahead and reward yourself. If you walk three times this week, allow yourself to splurge on a night out with friends. When goal achievement goes unrewarded, we have a tendency to stop moving forward. Everybody needs to feel like they got a "win" sometimes. When you attain a goal, reward yourself. You are worth it.

4. Use your time effectively
Time is a precious commodity-treat it as such. When you get wrapped up in a task, you sacrifice time elsewhere. Creating a schedule for your day can help to eliminate situations where you feel like you worked all day, yet accomplished nothing.

5. Schedule fun time
Often we get so wrapped up in everything we have to do that we forget about doing what we want to do. The stress of everyday life can feel crushing some days. It is so important to schedule time in your day for something you enjoy. Without this release, you are setting yourself up to burn out. Burn out can kill any self-discipline progress you have made. Scheduling a few minutes each day for enjoyable activities is not only fun, it's essential to your mental health.

With these simple steps even the most disorganized person can achieve some self-discipline. Take charge of your life today!

Thursday 2 March 2017

Do More...

Nugget By John Mason (An Enemy called Average)

Do more than think.. CREATE
Do more than Work.. EXCEL
Do more than Share.. GIVE
Do more than Decide. DISCERN
Do more than Consider. COMMIT
Do more than Forgive.. FORGET
Do more than help.  SERVE
Do more than coexist.. RECONCILE
Do more than sing. WORSHIP
Do more that Hear.  LISTEN
Do more that Agree.. COOPERATE
Do more than Spend.. INVEST
Do more than think.  PLAN
Do more than Dream.. DO
Do more than see. PERCEIVE
Do more than Read..  APPLY
Do more than Receive. RECIPROCATE
Do more than Choose...  FOCUS
Do more than Wish..  BELIEVE
Do more than Advice.. HELP
Do more than Speak..  IMPART
Do more than Encourage. INSPIRE
Do more than Add..  MULTIPLY
Do more than Change..  IMPROVE
Do more than Ponder..  PRAY
Do more than Live.  LIVE FOR JESUS

Tuesday 28 February 2017

10 Ways to Live a Balanced Lifestyle

“Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.” ~Thomas Merton

In life, I am often reminded that what works for some people does not necessarily work for others; and that one person’s idea of balance may not constitute anything remotely balanced from another person’s perspective.

So I wanted to address the various elements of life that can require balancing and offer some suggestions to find the mix that works best for you.

To start, what does it mean to be balanced?
To me, it means that you have a handle on the the various elements in your life and don’t feel that your heart or mind are being pulled too hard in any direction. More often than not, you feel calm, grounded, clear-headed, and motivated.

1.Practice Gratitude
While some may view this as touchy feely, new age, hippie garbage, nothing could be further from the truth. The benefits of practicing gratitude on a daily basis are remarkable and can significantly improve your life. Take a short amount of time out of your busy day - 10 minutes is all that's needed - to reflect honestly upon the countless positive things in your life that you may unwittingly take for granted. Doing so will give you a more positive outlook, eliminate stress, relieve tension, improve sleep patterns, and clarify goals.

2: Maintain Healthy Habits
Have you ever noticed that most, if not all, of the most well-known entrepreneurs keep a daily workout routine involving running or lifting weights. Many also boast the benefits of juicing and eating foods that promote mental clarity and maintain energy levels. This is no accident. Healthy habits keep your body and mind in optimal condition while helping you to maintain a normal and consistent daily routine. Such consistency allows for the accumulation of small amounts of work over time to turn into big successes.

3: Balance Work and Leisure
Sometimes we get so caught up in our goals that we forget to set time aside to take care of ourselves and our loved ones. Being balanced means remembering what all the work is for in the first place. We can grind day and night so long as we put forth the necessary time and effort in not neglecting our health, our significant others, our children, or our beloved hobbies. After all, what exactly are you working towards? Money is only one variable in the equation.

4: Know There's Only So Much That Can Get Done in a Day
Many people are guilty of writing mile-long "to-do" lists. These lists are generally brought on as the result of stress or an impulsive burst of motivation and are made with the best intentions. The problem is we can only carry out so many tasks in a given day. Long "to-do" lists set us up for disappointment because they can rarely be completed. Narrow down your list into specific goal-oriented tasks. Cut out the fat and avoid busy work that will make you feel productive but doesn't really get you anywhere. Work hard on that short list of tasks. Do all you can to get it done. At the end of the day be proud of what you accomplished. Recognize your progress. If you didn't get it all done don't fret. Put it on tomorrow's list and make it a priority.

5: Celebrate Effort Regardless of the Outcome
People who live a balanced lifestyle understand that success doesn't lie in the result of hard work, but in the work itself. Knowing this fact makes it effort rewarding even when things don't turn out the way we want, and make us feel accomplished even the case of a less-than stellar outcome. When we make mistakes or fall short on execution, we learn from it and do a better job next time. If we train ourselves to think this way the real reward - so far as our minds see it - will come from the pursuit of our goals, and success will be all but inevitable.

6: Maintain Focus
Keep your mind and energy focused on the task at hand. This is easier said than done but with the implementation of certain techniques it can be made a whole lot easier. Set aside your phone or other electronics when needed. Find a designated work zone such as an office where distractions are minimized. Give yourself a deadline to get the task completed. Practice recognizing when your mind wanders, and tell it to hold that thought

7: Be willing to Lend a Helping Hand
The ability to put yourself in other peoples shoes and see things from their perspective is a valuable one. This not only is helpful in business, but is also quite beneficial for our emotional well-being. Being interested in other people makes us more likely to help when we can. Those of us with big goals can unwittingly become self-absorbed, forgetting that the greatest gift in the world is the gift of giving. No amount of money or success can replace the satisfaction of helping another.

8: Seeing the Glass as Half-Full
Another one that may stand to be called new age nonsense but again is absolutely true. A healthy degree of optimism is critical to a balanced lifestyle. Staying positive is a way to focus on looking not just at the upside of a given situation, but also on finding solutions to the problems we and others face and keeping ourselves on track towards our goals. Optimists tend be less tolerant of negativity and will stay away from people who spend too much of their time gossiping and complaining, opting instead to surround themselves with other positive people. Energy feeds off of energy.

9: Refuse to Worry (Too Much)
Worrying about the possible disappointments or failures of the future is about the biggest waste of time in the world. So many people with an abundance of potential are crippled by their habit of worrying. It is natural that we have a certain degree of wariness of the unknown, that is just the minds way of protecting us. If we allow worry to control us, however, we are liable to stay in our comfort zones and pour all of our potential success down the drain. You have too much to offer to throw it all away based on imaginary fears. Keep in mind that the majority of the things (approximately 92%) of the things we worry about never happen. SO keep yourself busy, and if you find yourself worrying just acknowledge it, embrace it and move on from it.

10: Learn to Adapt to Change
Things are bound to happen that are completely outside of our control. Understanding habits is to understand how fragile they are. So it is totally natural to want to resist change, which often elicits emotional responses such as anger, depression or withdrawal. As well-balanced people, we have to learn to make the best out of whatever situation we are in. Our work ethic, personality, gratitude, drive and health should not be dependent on circumstance.

Saturday 25 February 2017

Life Changing Faith Pictures Principles

Some people define faith as a belief in something for which they have no evidence for. Others think of faith as a set of religious beliefs. These are limited uses and understanding of faith. Faith is a force. Think of it as a life force energy that you direct, consciously or unconsciously. It is a force you use every day. People  use faith every day in ways that are very real and practical but hardly notice. This force of faith that you use has profound impact on our thoughts, emotions, and behavior.
Heb 11:1 Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].

Everyone puts their faith in something. We either trust in the Word of God or we trust in our feelings and perceptions . David was a man who trusted in the Word of God. In 1 Samuel 17 David is confronted with the taunts and challenges of Goliath. All the soldiers in the Israelite army saw Goliath, heard his arrogant words and were paralyzed with fear. David heard the same challenges, he saw the same giant, and he experienced the same feelings of righteous indignation for the name of the Lord. The difference was that David’s faith was rooted in what God said was true. David believed that God was bigger than Goliath. David believed that God’s promises were truer than Goliath’s threats.
David’s perspective was influenced by the Word of God not by his human fears or understanding. We don’t always get to choose which Goliath’s we face but we do get to choose whether we face our Goliath’s with our faith in God’s Word or our faith in ourselves. To be a mighty in faith like David, we need to be convinced that God’s Word is true; we need to be people who know what it says, do what it says and we need to be trained to use the Word as the sword of the Spirit.

Faith in yourself can give you a feeling of confidence. If you believe that you can do something, you have faith in your ability and you produce a feeling of confidence. When you doubt your ability, you are also investing faith. You invest your faith in the ideas and images that you will fail, and that people will judge you. When you put faith in those ideas and images you create emotions of fear or insecurity. In both cases, you are expressing the energy of faith. It is just that you express it into different conceptual ideas, outcomes, and self-images and this produces different emotions.

"whatsoever thing we hope for can be picture through the mind".
1. Whatever we see, we can pursue
"Mental pictures help determine our focus, Focus determines our behavior
2. Faith pictures inspire pursuit
3. Your Faith picture strengthen you through difficult seasons
4. Reject wrong pictures of doubt & unbelief
5.what you hear affects, what you say to others
6. What you keep seeing affects what you keep doing
7. Always document night dreams that inspires changes in your behavior.

God’s Word is life giving and life changing. It has the power to impart faith, increase courage and develop character. When we face Goliath with reliance on the Word of God, we are no longer trusting in our own resources but we are trusting in the supernatural resources of God.

Happy  Weekend

Thursday 23 February 2017

7 Most Important People in your Life....

7 Most Important people in your life
1 Anyone God has assigned to intercede for you
2 Anyone willing to battle for you in your absence
3 Anyone in your scriptural chain of authority
4 Anyone willing to correct you honestly
5 Anyone you can trust...with your  weakness, your pain and your finances
6 Someone who trust you
7Anyone who persuades you to trust God

Finding the True love of your Life....

Finding the true love of your life is a cry of every normal human being on earth. Some are still scouting for that true love. Others are in the process already and they doubt if the one they have is the true one. Everyone desires to be truly loved. Some tried and they got disappointed along the way and they decided to stop looking. You can still find your true love, it is not too late. I admit that finding the true love of your life is not that easy. Why? People are complicated. So that complicates the process. Finding the true love of your life is a good thing. Let us read together the following scriptures:

Pro 18:22 Whoever finds a wife finds what is good, and receives favor from the LORD.

It is easy for one when he sees someone he fancies to get tempted to become a different person. He tries to become what the potential life partner is looking for. But such a reinvention of self is short-lived. Sooner or later you will be found out if you pretend to be something you are not. You cannot pretend forever. When the potential love of your life finds out you might lose badly. Just think of the golden rule. If you were to date someone and later find out that the person was faking himself or herself, how would you honestly feel? The possibility is that those who are true to themselves would just terminate the dating process. Or if they had pre-committed, they would resentfully terminate the relationship.

One may ask, "What if I am in a relationship now and I am not really myself?" You can come out to the open now before it is too late. "What if the relationship comes to an end?" you ask. It is better for it to come to an end now than later. That might save some very deep hurts. The foundation of true love must be honesty because if not, it will end badly. After all, you may find that your true character is what your potential love of your life is looking for. Never fake yourself because you might find someone who is not suitable for you. By so doing you may attract the wrong partner and that is not what you want.

I believe that out there, there is someone who is looking exactly for the kind of person you are. That person is looking for an original that you are. This is someone who will not have a problem living with your failings and flaws. So be true to yourself and be who you really are. Be proud of yourself. No one is like you on earth. You are different. So allow yourself to be different.
Why do some people fake themselves?

These are some of the reasons among many:

1) They are insecure. Someone who is insecure lacks self- confidence. He feels inadequate.
2) They feel that the potential love of their life is looking for something better than they can offer.

Be yourself. Know what you stand for. You must know what you are looking for yourself. Have your own requirements to be met for a life partner. Do not be moved. As you remain true to yourself, be patient. Do not bow to pressure. Good things come to those who are able to wait.

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Overcoming Self Doubt...

Overcoming Self Doubt

Do You Have Self-Doubt?

Self-doubt is one of the primary obstacles in the way of living a fulfilling life. Extreme self-doubt is unhealthy for the soul and it drags down your spirit, prevents you from achieving your goals, and crushes your ambitions. Everyone has an inner voice in their head, telling them that they’re not strong enough, not good enough, and incapable of doing the things that they desire to accomplish. This feeling of incompetence or weakness stems from their childhood and tends to be ingrained in their overall being.

Self doubt leads to serious problems like depression and anxiety. It’s no secret that these emotional disorders can turn to physical ailments such as chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, weight gain, and increased mortality to people with heart disease. It’s important that you know the destructive power of extreme self-doubt. But, it’s better if you know how to counteract this negative feeling, so you can enjoy a fulfilling life.

How to Overcome Self-Doubt

Self-doubt is not a fatal disease. It’s simply a negative attitude that you need to correct to allow you to live a fulfilling life. Here are the best tips to overcome self-doubt.

Live Life in the Present – Feelings of extreme self-doubt are often attached to the memories of the past. These memories will probably be about a time when someone told you that you weren’t good enough or a time that you failed to accomplish something. If you keep on thinking about these things, you’re only attracting the negative energy that fuels your self-doubt. Do not live in these moments; think about the person you are in the present time. Just because you could not accomplish something in the past does not mean that you cannot complete it in the future. Each day is a new start and a chance of doing what you really want for real.

Trust Yourself – Oftentimes, your worst enemy can be your own self. If you keep on thinking that you are not good at something and cannot do the things you want to do, you will never even try it, and you will be stuck where you are right now. You need to have strong faith in yourself. You need to constantly tell yourself that you are capable of achieving your goals.

Counteract Your Negative Thoughts – There are times that the negative voices in your head tend to be stronger than the positive voices. When this happens, try to neglect them, and make planned efforts to concentrate on the positive voices. When you have a feeling that negatives thoughts are coming, remind yourself about your strengths and the traits you like about yourself. Think of all the things that you have achieved on your own in the past and this will make you proud of yourself.

Discover the Source of Your Self-Doubt – If you constantly tell yourself that you’re not good enough, you need to know the cause of the problem. Where does your self-doubt originate? What was the event that made you harbor this feeling? Once you have identified and understand the source of your self-doubt, it will be easier to eliminate your negative thought patterns.

Spend Time with Other People – Your family and friends are your primary source of strength, encouragement, and reassurance. When you have strong social support, you can get rid of your negative thoughts about yourself. Even strangers can be surprisingly helpful in getting rid of your self-doubt. Simply expressing your doubt to a complete stranger can make you realize how illogical your negativity can be.

Taking in your opportunities...

Life is like a tree, yes as corny as it may sound it's the truth. Life is constantly changing, just like a tree changes in every season. We too have our own season and we change,we grow and we transform into a new life during each of those seasons.

But, when the new season occurs are you growing like you're supposed to be growing or are you holding yourself back?  I can tell you that your life is not guaranteed tomorrow or within the next hour, don't miss out on your growth period, don't miss out on your new season. I'm still in the process of growing, but I know what it takes so I am willing to learn.

There are many steps to growth, it doesn't happen overnight, unfortunately,but that's okay. A tree doesn't grow overnight. The first step to growth is setting goals for yourself and determining whether or not they are achievable. This is like you're planting the tree. The second step is establishing when you want to start putting those goals into actions. This is like the roots receiving the nourishment from the soil. The third step is following through and making every necessary change in order to grow. This is when the bark or the foot of the tree begins to sprout. The final step is spreading the growth within your circle and in your daily tasks and activities. This is a prime example of when the leaves, flower, or fruit begin to grow on the tree. Think of your growth as an evergreen tree, it never dies.

In your process of growth, you need to remove ALL and I mean ALL of the negative things that are blocking you from moving forward. Some people will be hurt, some people will throw shade but remember this growth process is about you and for you. Throughout this process, you need to continue to check up on yourself and making sure you are taking the right steps that will lead you to the correct path. Keep a journal or diary, or start a blog if you haven't done so already. If this process becomes tough, that's okay, take a break but don't lose sight of the trophy.

I want you to take the time out and think to yourself, am I growing? Am I at the place where I want to be right now? Am I happy? If the answer was no to any of those questions, then take this time out to do something about it. CHANGE starts with you, my friend. Take that initial step. That initial step can be anything. It could be deleting people off of social media, deleting numbers out of your contact. It can be putting an end to that relationship that was bringing you down. It can simply be starting a new hobby. It can be planning out your day or year.

. Have a focus word for this year and make it your mission to follow through.

Being Yourself

Being Yourself.. 

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
    before you were born I set you apart;
    I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jer 1:5
Who Are You?
There's no possible way you can be yourself without knowing who you really are. You pretend to idolize football player  because your neighbor does and you want to gain his approval. Soon enough you will realize that you don't know what interests you because you've been whiling away time with what least interests you. Understand yourself, figure out where your deepest passion lies and be proud of your qualities. Contemplate your life and the choices you've made. Take personality tests and you will eventually disentangle the buried mesh of what had been your true interests and hobbies all along! Accept it with pride! 

Forget The World!
So what if the person besides you passed a nasty comment on your outfit. As long as you're comfortable, does it really make a difference to your welfare? Or do you hesitate to raise your hand in class to ask the question that's persistently been pestering you simply because you fear your classmates might find it silly and doubt your intelligence. Why is their opinion even worth it? You should feel stupid for putting their opinions before your clarity on the subject! Forget the world, live your life and be yourself. Happiness will be right behind you! 

Breathe & Be Honest
Why do you want to live through the rest of your life safeguarding your sticky web of lies? Life is never rosy for anybody. Maybe at the beginning, you might not be as fortunate as certain other coveted beings. Nevertheless, if you hold your breath and take each day as it comes, life's delicate balance will soon manifest itself. There is no good reason to be ashamed of who you are. Whether it's a physical or mental shortcoming, the most trusted way to overcoming it is by acknowledging it with courage. We are all blighted with flaws and by hiding them, we are only adding to that list!      1 John 5:4-5.  for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

Express Your Individuality
The moment self-confidence is on your side, a beautiful and unique personality will blossom! Standing out isn't easy but it usually comes from within. It might be a skill, or a manner of speaking or infectious charisma. Build up on a character that singles you out from everybody in your planet. Be yourself. Even oddly colored slippers might accentuate your eccentric character after which you might garner admiration from different sides. Don't be a prototype, be a proud unique individual.  2cor3:4-5  Such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God

Believe In Yourself
Take off that hideous mask and unleash the beauty hidden underneath its eternal ugliness! If you try to be what you're not, you're going to be unhappy through the remainder of your fake life. Thrive on solitude, engage in soul searching and you will soon be well acquainted with your new best friend- The Real You.