Wednesday 27 June 2018

Change of Name

1 Peter 3:6-8 (KJV), Isaiah 43:1; 44:21; 51:1

There is a difference between Sarai and Sarah, Abraham and Abram, Jacob and Isreal. The latter was who they were before they experienced God. The bible described Sarah as a woman who was submissive and who honored her husband but that wasn't the case before she encountered God. When she was Saria, she was controlling and not submissive. 
The greatest need of a man is honor. As a wife, don't major on the minor and minor on the major. There is more to just being a good cook and a clean wife, all these your husband can easily buy. But when you are supportive and caring you add real value to him. Honor is an innate of any man no matter his level in life. This is something every man desires.
The greatest need of a woman is security. Money is not enough, they desire more than that. A woman needs affirmation. Learn to compliment her. Give her your undivided attention. Be nice to your children but don't let it affect the attention you give to your wife. The best way to win your children is to love their mother.
As a wife, don't compare your husband with another man it is not healthy for your relationship. It will always be green from the outside, you can't tell what they are going through from the outside.
The greatest need of a man is honor. Don't talk to him with disrespect, words don't die. The words you tell him has much more impact than you think. Your words have the capacity to push your husband beyond his limits. Validate your husband, encourage him. Men always live up to the expectation you raise.
Emotions are bad leaders but they are good followers. Don't follow your emotions instead follow the word of God. Don't curse your children when they get you angry. Don't speak to your spouse out of anger. There is little you can do when you are offended but what matters the most is the decision you take afterwards. 
You have to be smart in handling your husband's family. Be a wise woman by following the leading of your husband. Let him guide you into handling his relatives perfectly. Smartness has nothing to do with age but with the Word of God. 
As a wife, let your husband see the effect of the word of God in your life. Don't just be a christian in words, let it be apparent in your character.
#PastorBiodun #MyHabitationIsBlessed #YearOfTheNew

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