Wednesday 27 June 2018



I’m Blessed
I’m catapulted beyond my wildest imagination
By light, I move forward and increase.
The increase of the LORD is upon my seed, ideas and work of my hands,
My seed is fruitful and multiplies
The work of my hands break forth like the sun
Like the dawning of a new day, i break forth in my field.
The hand of LORD is upon me for lifting and progress
By the release of the blessing, I soar,
I receive the blessing of God that brings multiplication and promotion.
By the blessing, I’m repositioned and enthroned.
I’m blessed with the blessing of Security, no evil will touch me
My peace is enforced by heaven.
By the power of GOD, i receive peace in my home, body, live, family, career, academics and everywhere.
A fresh wind of GOD for abundance (provision more than I desire) is blowing over me
I declare I’m bore on Eagle’s wing
From the bows of GOD, I’m fired to the ends of the earth and the zenith of my industry.
As the LORD lives, I’m blessed,
There is a turnaround in my life for better, I increase
The least of me is a thousand
I emerge as a giant to my world by the finger of GOD
I’m secured. My life, house, property, body and  mind.
I receive heavens insurance on everything that has my name on it
Angels are released to my home, family, belongings, in my going out and my coming in.
I receive Angelic encounters
Angels in the form of men shows up for me ,
I receive deliverance from every form of evil.
I’m not permitted to be hospitalised or see the walls of police station.
In my path way  in life. I will hit nobody and nobody hits me
In Jesus Name..🙏🏿
BossBosun 🙏🏿🙏🏿

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