Thursday 31 May 2018

Life and Hope

You may  be  sure  that  wisdom  is  good for the  soul. Get  wisdom  and you  have  a  bright  future."

Wisdom  is  the  source  of  everything.  With  wisdom, we  need  not  fear  the  future.  On  the  contrary,  there  is  great hope  for  us  when  we  walk  in  wisdom.  

And  this  hope  will never  be  frustrated.  Wisdom  cannot  deceive  or  disappoint, wisdom  is  real.  And  is  the  answer  to  all  things. 

 It  is  the  key to  a  successful  and abundant  life. How  often,  we  fear  the  future?  And  we  care  about our  lives?  Why  live  without  hope? 
 Wisdom  is  all  we  need. If  we  have  the  wisdom,  we  have  everything.  We  must  seek practical  wisdom  for  our  lives.  "To  be  happy  is  not  enough know  the  theory,  it  must  be  put  into  practice...  Wisdom  is limited to  actions, not  to words" . 

The  learning  process  always  includes  three  steps:
  1- Knowledge;
  2-  Understanding;  
3-  Application.

  The  results arise   when   we  apply  in  practice  what  we  know  and understand  in  theory.  "You  must  learn  to  translate  wisdom and  strong feelings  into labor"  (Jim  Rohn). Wisdom   is   not   automatic   or   immediate.  

 If  we  love  wisdom  above  all things,  wisdom  will  give  us  everything  we  need. 
 Solomon even  said:  "The  beginning  of  wisdom  is  this:  Get  wisdom. Though  it  cost  all  you  have,  get  understanding"  (Proverbs 4:7  NIV).  And  why  lose  everything  we  possess  in  exchange for  wisdom  and  knowledge?  Wisdom  and  knowledge  will give  us  much  more  than  we  possess.  

Wisdom  is  the  key  that can   open  all  the  doors,  even  those  doors  we  seemed impossible!

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