Tuesday 16 October 2018

Planted to Flourish


Blessed be the name of Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith, the giver of life and the quintessential planter of our destiny, love and a proficient future. Like a tree planted by the riverside, every human ought to flourish, exude flamboyance and enjoy the goodies of life but unfortunately some prefer to snatch fruits from the tree instead of live in the fullness of God's promise.

The beauty of God's glory is revealed through the manifestation of our handiwork and performance when we're planted by the riverside, we effortlessly flourish and live a life worthy of admiration and this causes voyeurs from other shores to want to know our source of exploitation. When you're in God's primary location for your destiny, i promise you'll never struggle although the breakthrough might take a season but you'll never lack the basic necessities of life.

Inside every believer is the rivers of living water, hence we germinate and progress from the rivulet sterns of life. The fruits of a flourishing life includes the supply and abundance of prominence in all it's diversity, you become an ambassador of healthy living, your self-confidence is elevated and you will continually serve as a blessing unto your generation.

Meanwhile, once you're detached from the source (Jesus Christ) you'll impecunously wither like a fallen leaf and fizzle into oblivion. This inevitably leads to depression, suppression, desperation and frustration, fear and anxiety and other nefarious tendencies. Bitterly, you'll be robbed of any form of fruitful entitlement, a defenestrated life isn't worth living, come to the source.

If you want to enjoy the goodness and prosperity of the tree you must know the planter, the kings of Heaven. Stop stealing fruits when you can wholly become a partaker and get planted, the greatest gift anyman can be granted is access. Come to the river and be planted, quit living a life of limitation and enjoy a life of spiritual liberation.

Good morning

Sunday 2 September 2018

Marital Nuggets by Bayo olaiya

Six Marital Nuggets

BLESSED are the couples who are humble, communicative, open, and honest, for they will reach a higher love.

BLESSED are the couples who are masters of the art of sex, for theirs is ''heaven on earth''.

BLESSED are the couples who understand the power of money, for many problems will be solved without struggle.

BLESSED are the couples who understand the power of immediate apology, for divorce is far from their habitation.

BLESSED are the couples who are patient, loyal, and committed, for theirs is marital stability.

BLESSED are the couples who constantly pray together with sincere hearts, for they shall keep the devil where he belongs.

I wish you a blissful home.

For Marital Bliss,
Bayo Olaiya

"...transforming lives, realising visions."

Sunday 12 August 2018

Trust God

There is no storm that God can’t carry you through. No bridge that God can’t help you cross. No battle that God won't help you win. No heartache that God can’t help you let go off. He is SO much bigger than anything you will ever face.
Leave everything in His hands and embrace this day confidently knowing that He will take care of you.
God is saying to you today "Fear thou not, I am with you; do not be dismay, for I am your God!
Nothing feels better than knowing God loves you, that he is always there for you, and that he will always take care of you.
God will restore what is broken and change it into something amazing; all you need is faith.
Under His wings you will find refuge. If you are praying about it, God is working on it.
Your relationship with God is your number one focus; if you take care of it, God will take care of everything else for you. Cast all your anxieties on Him!
Whatever you face in life, just hold your peace; God promised He will make a way even when you don't see one.
When you do your part, developing what He has given you, the doors will be opened that no man can shut!
If God could close the mouth of the lions for Daniel, part the red seas for Moses, make the sun stand still for Joshua, open the prison for Peter, put a baby in the arms of Sarah and raise Lazarus from the dead then He will certainly take care of you!
If you have time to worry, then you have time to pray; never underestimate God's hand in all your plans! Wake up and have a fulfilled day

Saturday 11 August 2018


"Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers. 3John1:3

John reveals that our health, well-being and prosperity are connected to the prosperity of our soul. This is a huge key for us that should not be passed over quickly. When      your thoughts, focus and beliefs are in alignment with God's truth, promises and blessings, your soul prospers. When your soul prospers, you potentially prosper and experience vibrant health in every other area of your life. Why? Because you attract to yourself what your soul thinks on with focus and belief.

A prosperous soul is optimistic, positive and faith filled aligned with God's perspective, life promises and truth.

A Prosperous soul is Free of anxiety, bitterness, offense, anger, doubt, wounding and negativity.

Law of Attraction..

The law of Attraction attracts to you everything you need, according to the nature of your thoughts.
"Your environment and financial conditions are the perfect reflection of your habitual thinking." Joseph Murphy.
Energy attracts like Energy, this means that if a person is emitting positive vibes they will draw good things to them and if they are emitting negative vibes they will draw bad things to them...
" You're a living Magnet, Attracting what you want"....
Remember you attract to your life whatever you give your attention, energy and focus to, whether wanted or unwanted..

Positive Vibes are generated from good feelings such as :Joy, Love, Excitement, Abundance, Comfort, Affection and Confidence.

Negative Vibes are generated from bad feelings such as :disappointment, loneliness, lack(of any life necessities or luxuries), sadness, anger, hurt confusion.

"You're a living Magnet, Attracting what you want"....

The law of attraction can help to determine the course of your future, and the successes or failure which you may encounter along the way..

Wednesday 27 June 2018



I’m Blessed
I’m catapulted beyond my wildest imagination
By light, I move forward and increase.
The increase of the LORD is upon my seed, ideas and work of my hands,
My seed is fruitful and multiplies
The work of my hands break forth like the sun
Like the dawning of a new day, i break forth in my field.
The hand of LORD is upon me for lifting and progress
By the release of the blessing, I soar,
I receive the blessing of God that brings multiplication and promotion.
By the blessing, I’m repositioned and enthroned.
I’m blessed with the blessing of Security, no evil will touch me
My peace is enforced by heaven.
By the power of GOD, i receive peace in my home, body, live, family, career, academics and everywhere.
A fresh wind of GOD for abundance (provision more than I desire) is blowing over me
I declare I’m bore on Eagle’s wing
From the bows of GOD, I’m fired to the ends of the earth and the zenith of my industry.
As the LORD lives, I’m blessed,
There is a turnaround in my life for better, I increase
The least of me is a thousand
I emerge as a giant to my world by the finger of GOD
I’m secured. My life, house, property, body and  mind.
I receive heavens insurance on everything that has my name on it
Angels are released to my home, family, belongings, in my going out and my coming in.
I receive Angelic encounters
Angels in the form of men shows up for me ,
I receive deliverance from every form of evil.
I’m not permitted to be hospitalised or see the walls of police station.
In my path way  in life. I will hit nobody and nobody hits me
In Jesus Name..🙏🏿
BossBosun 🙏🏿🙏🏿

Change of Name

1 Peter 3:6-8 (KJV), Isaiah 43:1; 44:21; 51:1

There is a difference between Sarai and Sarah, Abraham and Abram, Jacob and Isreal. The latter was who they were before they experienced God. The bible described Sarah as a woman who was submissive and who honored her husband but that wasn't the case before she encountered God. When she was Saria, she was controlling and not submissive. 
The greatest need of a man is honor. As a wife, don't major on the minor and minor on the major. There is more to just being a good cook and a clean wife, all these your husband can easily buy. But when you are supportive and caring you add real value to him. Honor is an innate of any man no matter his level in life. This is something every man desires.
The greatest need of a woman is security. Money is not enough, they desire more than that. A woman needs affirmation. Learn to compliment her. Give her your undivided attention. Be nice to your children but don't let it affect the attention you give to your wife. The best way to win your children is to love their mother.
As a wife, don't compare your husband with another man it is not healthy for your relationship. It will always be green from the outside, you can't tell what they are going through from the outside.
The greatest need of a man is honor. Don't talk to him with disrespect, words don't die. The words you tell him has much more impact than you think. Your words have the capacity to push your husband beyond his limits. Validate your husband, encourage him. Men always live up to the expectation you raise.
Emotions are bad leaders but they are good followers. Don't follow your emotions instead follow the word of God. Don't curse your children when they get you angry. Don't speak to your spouse out of anger. There is little you can do when you are offended but what matters the most is the decision you take afterwards. 
You have to be smart in handling your husband's family. Be a wise woman by following the leading of your husband. Let him guide you into handling his relatives perfectly. Smartness has nothing to do with age but with the Word of God. 
As a wife, let your husband see the effect of the word of God in your life. Don't just be a christian in words, let it be apparent in your character.
#PastorBiodun #MyHabitationIsBlessed #YearOfTheNew

Friday 22 June 2018

Every Woman Should read.

1). Never raise your voice for any reason to your husband. Its a sign of disrespect.(Prov 15v1)
2). Don't expose your husband's weaknesses toyour family and friends. It will bounce back at you.You are each other's keeper.(Eph 5v12)
3). Never use attitudes and moods to communicate to your husband, you never know how your husband will interpret them. Defensive women don't have a happy home.(Prov 15v13)
4). Never compare your husband to other men, you've no idea what their life is all about. If you attack his Ego, his Love for you will diminish.
5). Never ill treat your husband's friends because you don't like them, the person who's supposed to get rid of them is your husband.(Prov 11v22)
6). Never forget that your husband married you, not your maid or anyone else. Do your duties.(Gen 2v24)
7). Never assign anyone to give attention to your husband, people may do everything else but your husband is your own responsibility.(Eph 5v33)
. Never blame your husband if he comes back home empty handed. Rather encourage him.(Deut 3v28)
9). Never be a wasteful wife, your husband's sweat is too precious to be wasted.
10). Never pretend to be sick for the purpose of denying your husband sex. You must give it to him how he wants it. Sex is very important to Men, if you keep denying him, it is a matter of time before another woman takes over theat duty. No man can withstand sex starvation for too long(even the anointed ones) (SS 7v12)
11). Never compare your husband to your one time sex mate in bedroom, or an Ex-lover. Your home may Never recover from it if you do.(SS 5v9)
12). Never answer for your husband in public opinion polls, let him handle what is directed to him although he may answer for you in public opinion polls.(Prov 31v23)
13). Never shout or challenge your husband in front of children. Wise Women don't do that.(Eph 4v31)
14). Don't forget to check the smartness of your husband before he checks out.(Prov 12v4)
15). Never allow your friends to be too close to your husband.
16). Never be in a hurry in the bathroom and on the dressing table. Out there your husband is always surrounded by women who took their time on their looks.( 1 Sam25v3)
17). Your parents or family or friends do not have the final say in your marriage. Don't waste your time looking up to them for a final word. You must Leave if you want to Cleave.(Luke 21v16)
18). Never base your love on monetary things. Will you still submit to him even if you earn more money than him?
19). Don't forget that husbands want attention and good listeners, never be too busy for him. Good communication is the bed rock of every happy home. (Gal 6v9)
20). If your idea worked better than his, never compare yourself to him. Its always teamwork.(Gal 6v10)
21). Don't be too judgemental to your husband. No man wants a Nagging wife.(Eph 4v29)
22). A lazy wife is a careless wife. She doesn't even know that her body needs a bath.(Prov 24v27)(Prov 20v13)
23). Does your husband like a kind of cooked food?, try to change your cooking. No man jokes with food. (Prov 31v14)
24). Never be too demanding to your husband,enjoy every moment, resource as it comes.(Luke 11v3)
25). Make a glass of water the very first welcome to your husband and everyone entering your home. Sweetness of attitude is true beauty. (Prov 31v11)
26). Don't associate with women who have a wrong mental attitude about marriage.(Prov 22v14)
27). Your marriage is as valuable to you as the value that you give it. Recklessness is unacceptable.(Heb 13v4)
28). Fruit of the womb is a blessing from the Lord, love your children and teach them well.(Prov 22v6)
29). You are never too old to influence your home. Never reduce your care for your family for any reason. (Prov 31v28)
30). A prayerful wife is a better equipped wife, pray always for your husband and family(1 Thess 5v17)

Friday 8 June 2018

Controlling your Anger

Anger is a Natural and mostly automatic response to pain of one form or another (physical or emotional).  Anger  can occur when people don't feel well, feel rejected, feel threatened, or experience some loss but when it gets out of control and turns destructive, it can lead to problems - problems at work, in relationships and in the overall quality of our life. 
According to Charles Spielberg, "Anger is an emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irration to intense fury and rage" . And it's accompanied by physiological and biological changes, when you get angry, your heart rate and blood pressure go up, as to the level of your energy hormones. 

Anger from all perspectives is a negative robber of emotion. It's one of the primary causes of  under achievements and major failures in life. 

Prov15:1 "A soft answer turned away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger

Many people never ask themselves basic questions so as to identify the source of the anger and how to handle it

1. What's really making me angry? 

2. Have I been hurt to feel so bad, inadequate and stupid. 

3.is there any other way to look at the situation ?

4. Is my anger borne out of unrealistic expectations? 
Tips for cooling down. 

Slowly count to ten

Use your sense

Take some deep breath 

Focus on the physical sensation of anger 
Factors that commonly make people angry

1. Grief 

2. Sexual Frustration 

3. Disappointment 

4. Pain,  Hunger, Tiredness

5. Rudeness and injustice 

6. Infidelity, Embarrassment .

Friday 1 June 2018


I declare that you see the goodness of the Lord in this month

You have been initiated among those people helped by God

It is your season of help and new beginnings

Your name is mentioned in high places

You ll testify of God's favour in all your endeavours this month

In this month, You excel and advance

JUNE: there shall be no loss nor hurt

You enjoy unprecedented dimensions of divine favour

Doors are opening of their own accord and it is a season of great jubilation

The blessing is speaking on your behalf; Favour is working; You are lifted

The favour of God perfects everything that concerns you

The glory of the Lord shines forth through you and by the strength of God, You prevail in Jesus name..

Happy New Month

Thursday 31 May 2018

You are not A Junk

There are many people who are being passed by because others don't see what is in them. But God has shown me what's in me, and I know it is in you too. 
 Gen 1:26-27 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”27 So God created man in his own image,   in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
My job is to stop you and say: "Can you see what's in you? Do you know your potential? Do you know that you are not just someone born in a ghetto over the hill? There's a wealth of potential in you." The engine on your inside, is of a great capacity. 
The Bible says, in 1 John 4:4  Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
A sculptor sees so differently. They say Michelangelo used to walk around a block of marble for days, just walking around it, talking to himself. First he would see things in the rock; then he would go and take them out. 
1 Corinthians 2:9  But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

Insight like that of a sculptor is seen in the Bible. When the world dumps and rejects you, you land on the garbage heap of the world, God walks along and picks you up. He looks deep within you and sees a person of great worth.
Don't ever let anybody throw you away. You are not junk. When God looks at you, He sees things that everybody else ignores. you are worth so much that Jesus went to Calvary to salvage and reclaim you. The spirit of God connected to your spirit is the only true judge of your worth. Don't accept that opinions of others because they do not see what God sees.

When God looks at you, He sees things that everybody else ignores.

Change of Name

1 Peter 3:6-8 (KJV), Isaiah 43:1; 44:21; 51:1

There is a difference between Sarai and Sarah, Abraham and Abram, Jacob and Isreal. The latter was who they were before they experienced God.

The bible described Sarah as a woman who was submissive and who honored her husband but that wasn't the case before she encountered God. When she was Saria, she was controlling and not submissive. 

The greatest need of a man is honor. As a wife, don't major on the minor and minor on the major. There is more to just being a good cook and a clean wife, all these your husband can easily buy. But when you are supportive and caring you add real value to him.

Honor is an innate of any man no matter his level in life. This is something every man desires.

The greatest need of a woman is security. Money is not enough, they desire more than that. A woman needs affirmation. Learn to compliment her. Give her your undivided attention. Be nice to your children but don't let it affect the attention you give to your wife. The best way to win your children is to love their mother.

As a wife, don't compare your husband with another man it is not healthy for your relationship. It will always be green from the outside, you can't tell what they are going through from the outside.
The greatest need of a man is honor.

Don't talk to him with disrespect, words don't die. The words you tell him has much more impact than you think. Your words have the capacity to push your husband beyond his limits. Validate your husband, encourage him. Men always live up to the expectation you raise.

Emotions are bad leaders but they are good followers. Don't follow your emotions instead follow the word of God. Don't curse your children when they get you angry. Don't speak to your spouse out of anger.

There is little you can do when you are offended but what matters the most is the decision you take afterwards. 
You have to be smart in handling your husband's family. Be a wise woman by following the leading of your husband. Let him guide you into handling his relatives perfectly. Smartness has nothing to do with age but with the Word of God. 

As a wife, let your husband see the effect of the word of God in your life. Don't just be a christian in words, let it be apparent in your character.
#PastorBiodun #MyHabitationIsBlessed #YearOfTheNew

Forgive yourself too

You  not  only  have  to  forgive  others,  you  also  have  to forgive  yourself!  It's  hard  sometimes  to  forgive  yourself  for missing  it  and  failing,  isn't  it?  But  you  have  to  do  it  if  you  want your  faith  and  prayers  to  work! 

If  you  don't  forgive  yourself,  it  can  keep  you  from  receiving healing,  and  it  can  keep  your  prayers  from  being  answered because  your  faith  won't  work  except  by  love. If  you  don't  forgive  yourself,  it  will  hinder  your  faith  just  as much  as  unforgiveness  toward  another  person  will  hinder  your faith.

  It's  just  as  wrong  not  to  forgive  yourself  and  to  harbor  ill will  and  animosity  against  yourself  as  it  is  not  to  forgive someone else. 

1  JOHN  3:18-21 18  My  little  children,  let  us  not  love  in  word,  neither in  tongue;  but  in  deed  and  in  truth. 19  And  hereby  we  know  that  we  are  of  the  truth,  and shall  assure  our  hearts  before  him. 20  FOR  IF  OUR  HEART  CONDEMN  US,  God  is  greater than  our  heart,  and  knoweth  all  things. 21  Beloved,  IF  OUR  HEART  CONDEMN  US  NOT,  THEN HAVE WE CONFIDENCE TOWARD GOD. 

You  see,  if  you  harbor  unforgiveness  and  ill  will  in  your heart,  your  heart  will  condemn  you,  and  you  won't  be  able  to come  boldly  before  God  to  get  your  petitions  answered.  Your prayers  will  be  hindered. But  if  you  walk  in  love,  your  heart  won't  condemn  you.  If you'll  forgive  —  not  only  others,  but  forgive  yourself  —  your heart  will  not  condemn  you.  Then  you  will  have  confidence  in coming  before  God  in  prayer.

Life and Hope

You may  be  sure  that  wisdom  is  good for the  soul. Get  wisdom  and you  have  a  bright  future."

Wisdom  is  the  source  of  everything.  With  wisdom, we  need  not  fear  the  future.  On  the  contrary,  there  is  great hope  for  us  when  we  walk  in  wisdom.  

And  this  hope  will never  be  frustrated.  Wisdom  cannot  deceive  or  disappoint, wisdom  is  real.  And  is  the  answer  to  all  things. 

 It  is  the  key to  a  successful  and abundant  life. How  often,  we  fear  the  future?  And  we  care  about our  lives?  Why  live  without  hope? 
 Wisdom  is  all  we  need. If  we  have  the  wisdom,  we  have  everything.  We  must  seek practical  wisdom  for  our  lives.  "To  be  happy  is  not  enough know  the  theory,  it  must  be  put  into  practice...  Wisdom  is limited to  actions, not  to words" . 

The  learning  process  always  includes  three  steps:
  1- Knowledge;
  2-  Understanding;  
3-  Application.

  The  results arise   when   we  apply  in  practice  what  we  know  and understand  in  theory.  "You  must  learn  to  translate  wisdom and  strong feelings  into labor"  (Jim  Rohn). Wisdom   is   not   automatic   or   immediate.  

 If  we  love  wisdom  above  all things,  wisdom  will  give  us  everything  we  need. 
 Solomon even  said:  "The  beginning  of  wisdom  is  this:  Get  wisdom. Though  it  cost  all  you  have,  get  understanding"  (Proverbs 4:7  NIV).  And  why  lose  everything  we  possess  in  exchange for  wisdom  and  knowledge?  Wisdom  and  knowledge  will give  us  much  more  than  we  possess.  

Wisdom  is  the  key  that can   open  all  the  doors,  even  those  doors  we  seemed impossible!

Knowing how to get a man effectively

These days, there are a lot of women who are still single even though they are already on the right age to have a boyfriend or settle down on their own. One of their common reasons is that they cannot find the man that qualifies to their standards. Some of them are just too shy to entertain some male suitors. There are even some of these single women who think that men will just hurt them in the end. In case you are one of these ladies, then here are some effective tips on how to get a boyfriend that you can try:

Mingle with Men

If men do not chase you, then why not chase after them. This does not mean that you have to do stalking on the guy that you really want. What is being pertained here is you should mingle with men. This is not as scary as you think it is. However, you have to remember that being fake will not bring you anywhere. You have to be yourself as much as possible. Have fun with men and show they who you really are. Just in case you don't know, most men like those women who are not pretending to be somebody. They also love easy-going women, whom they can talk to with some interesting topics.

Get to Know Men Even Better

Once you already found a prospect who also shows great interest on you, give him the chance. Try to know him even better by talking to him. Nevertheless, make sure that you do not sound like you are hunting for a boyfriend. It will be an awkward thing on you, right? Guys may also start to stay away from once they notice that you are looking for a boyfriend that is why you mingle on them. Remember not to be deceived by their looks. There are so much interesting things from men apart from their physical appearance, of course.

Be Sure You Are Eyeing on a Single Man

If you do not want to get in any trouble, then you have to make sure that you are talking to a single man. If he is currently in a relationship, all of your hair strands might be pulled by his girlfriend. Can you picture out how embarrassing is that? You can observe his ring finger if he is already married, or simply ask him if he is currently in a relationship. Even so, you should do it without any amount of malice. Just try to be casual upon asking such question.

These are just some of the numerous things that you can try if you are one of those who are asking how to get a boyfriend effectively.

Refreshing your Relationship

Six things to try when you run out of things to talk about

So how do you push past that feeling. If you’re not sure where to start, here are some things you can try…

1. Write down things you want to tell your partner (or ask them) throughout the day

If you write down things you want to say, you won’t have to struggle to remember them later.

This practice also disciplines you to notice little things to discuss with your partner. It can help you live your day more mindfully–make you more aware of your actions and choices, and more grateful for your blessings.

2. Tell them something that you’re grateful for

Did you know that on a day-to-day basis, most of us are better at focusing on and remembering negative experiences than positive ones? This is called the negativity bias, and it’s why we often start with the difficult or frustrating things when answering the question “how was your day?”

The good news, however, is that we can literally train our brains to think more positively. If we teach ourselves to scan our environment for good things to focus on and talk about this will improve our mood in the short term, make us happier over time, and infuse our relationship with more positive energy.

So practice identifying things that you’re grateful for . Then share these things with your partner.

3. Tell them something from your day, even if it seems small or unimportant

Try telling your loved one stories about the small moments in your life. Paint them a picture with your words. This can help your partner feel more connected to your present reality, and it can help you feel like they understand a little more about what’s really going on for you.

4. Ask questions

When you’re fresh out of things to say (and preferably long before that)

So when you feel like you haven’t got much to talk about yourself, ask questions. And if you’re stuck for questions to ask, pick up a book of questions and look through it for inspiration.

5. Dig deeper

If you feel like you’ve sort of stalled in your relationship or you’re looking for new things to do together, find some resources to help you dig deeper and learn new things about each other, explore your strengths, personality, love languages, sense of humor, and more.

Words of Affirmation

Communicating Love through Words of Affirmation.

1. Starting with a quote by Dr. Mike Murdock, he said " Say only what you want another to remember"
If the primary Love Language of your spouse is Words, then little remarks, comments or compliments can make a big difference. Words are important to everyone, yet for some people they are much more important because that is their love language.
Words coming from our spouse could mean a lot to us because its coming from someone very special.

2. Your Words can build up your spouse, or tear him/her down depending on "how" you use it.
One very important way we can communicate love to our spouse is through the words of our mouth.
John Maxwell once said, many people that speak bad and unkind words to people do it out of habit, without knowing it. Many people struggle with unkind words.
Some don't even see anything wrong in using unkind words.
Some people's conversations are naturally seasoned with discouragements, negativity, condemnations. These are fatal and poisonous to the health of relationships.

3. If your SPOUSE cannot trust you with things important to him/her, then you have been giving underdose of words of affirmation.
By saying words of Affirmation I mean KIND, PLEASANT and POSITIVE words or words that SUPPORT and ENCOURAGE your spouse.
Mr Muyiwa Adigun once said, never let another Man/Woman say sweeter words to your Spouse.
Words of affirmation could be a verbal compliment, an appreciation, an encouragement etc.

4. Your Words will either inspire courage, or produce discouragements.
Some people believe that it is your right to always express your mind.
You hear words like "just pour out your heart and say it as it is".
In relating with your spouse, empathy is key. See things from the other person's perspective. As much as you want to express your mind bear in mind that your words should minister grace to people.
To communicate love to your spouse through your words you have to see things through his/her perspective.

5. Now your WORDS can do either of the following
5a. Your Words can KILL A DREAM, AN IDEA or it can GIVE LIFE.
Our words carry power, it has death and life in it
Prov 18:21 says: Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

5b. It has the ability to BUILD UP or TEAR DOWN your spouse's self esteem and confidence.
I'm sure you don't want your spouse to be torn down. Be intentional with your choice of words.
That's why the word of God says to speak gracious words that has the ability to edify or builds up a man.
Eph 4:29 says Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers

6. The following happens when you use Words of Affirmation
6a. You inspire COURAGE into your spouse.
Inspired Words are encouragement.
Someone says "encouragement creates a genius"
Some abilities dormant in your spouse might just need a word of encouragement to be acted upon.
Encouragement is different from pressurizing. Don't just force your spouse to do something because you feel it's good for them
To encourage you must see the world from your spouse perspective.
Know and understand whats most important things to your spouse and encourage him/her to accomplish it.
Load your spouse with daily benefits of encouraging words.
Examples of words to avoid...

WRONG: You never call, or care about my well fare. I wonder what I have done wrong
RIGHT: Babe, how do we improve on our communication. I believe we can make things work out better between us.

And sometimes, our words mean good but the TONE... Oh my God, makes it totally bad.
Select the right words and the right tones. Else, you may mean one thing, but your tone will pass a different message across.

7. How to sweeten your Words
7a. APPRAISALS: Appraise your spouse for the things he/she does rather than criticizing him for the things he has not done.

7b. ENCOURAGEMENTS: Don't judge based on your spouse short comings.
Encourage him/her to do better next time.

7c. TONE: Be mindful of the tone of your voice.
The same words could mean different things depending on the the tone used.
Your tone of voice should express what's on your mind, because your words and your tone will eventually convey your message to your spouse.

7d. RESPOND DON'T REACT. Learn to respond softly to angry words spoken by your spouse. Reactions are usually based on inadequate information that leads to unintelligent actions. Responses are calculated actions emanating from a unperturbed mind.
Pro 15:1 A soft answer turn away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

7e. FORGIVE: Don't remind your spouse of his/her past mistakes.
Your words should bring healing rather than causing more harm.
Prov 12:18 says There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health.

7f. IMAGE: create a great image of your spouse wherever you go. Learn to say positive and sweet things about your spouse whether he/she is present or not.
Prov 16:24 says Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.

7g. LISTEN: Be quick to hear and be slow to speak
Many people listen to reply, few listen to understand. Understanding is very vital to the growth of your relationship.
Prov 29:20
See a man that is hasty in his words? there is more hope of a fool than of him.
Prov 18:13
He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.

Needs of Husband and Wife in a Home

The Needs of Husband and Wife in a Home

To the glory of God, I’ve been married . And by God’s special grace, the Holy Spirit has revealed some things to me that I’d love to share with you all.

1. First all, When it comes to marriage, it is not about YOu

2. It takes two to tangle; it also takes two to mess things up

3. Many people enter marriage with expectations that will only satisfy themselves.

4. Marriage is bigger than me, myself and I.

5. Marriage is a team. Every successful team has a goal that they’re working towards. In order to accomplish that goal, they must work together (Amos 3:3)

6. Every successful team also has a coach… For us believers, the Holy Spirit is our coach.
Learning to partner with the holy spirit in marriage is one of the most important skills you’ll ever need to acquire.

7. Each marriage union that has been ordained by God has a purpose. When you keep that purpose in view and work towards it together as a team, you honor God in your marriage (the ultimate goal of marriage).

8. In marriage, we must aim to please God and meet the needs of our spouse. Bare in mind, that your spouse is God’s gift to you. You must cherish this gift, never despise it. God only gives good and perfect gifts. The day you start to despise this gift, you give the devil a room in your home. Then he begins to feed you with lies, once you believe them issues begin to arise.

9. We must understand that no marriage is the same. Just like no person is the same. We were all uniquely designed for destiny

10. Therefore the needs of your spouse may differ from that of someone else’s spouse. Never be tempted to compare your marriage to anyone else’s or spouse to anyone else’s.

11. Learn to love and nourish what you have. The grass is not greener on the other side. It is the grass that is well kept and nourished that is greener.

12. Marriage is a union of two imperfect people on a journey to purpose by the leading of a perfect God.

13. Learn to manage your expectations of your spouse and give them room to learn and grow. Just like their are growth pains, there will be some tough times but never loose your focus.

14. Remember aim to always please God. Love is always the way and love is always the answer… Never forget that. This is why God commanded us to love, it is not a suggestion it is the recipe for a successful life.

So what does a man want from his wife in marriage? And what does a woman want from her husband???

Let’s look to the bible, it has the answers to all of life’s questions.

First of all, in the marriage union the ultimate need for both men and women is reverence (Ephesians 5:21).
However, each one interprets reverence differently.

What husbands need: Ephesians 5:21-24

Out of respect for Christ, be courteously reverent to one another.
Wives, understand and support your husbands in ways that show your support for Christ. The husband provides leadership to his wife the way Christ does to his church, not by domineering but by cherishing

So just as the church submits to Christ as he exercises such leadership, wives should likewise submit to their husbands
Ephesians 5:21-24 MSG

1. Men need submission from their wives in all things.

2. Men need their wives to trust their leadership; they need their wives to depend on them.

Husband provides leadership by cherishing!

3. Men need to be understood, not challenged.
4. Men need their wives’ support

5. Men need ‘followership’ from their wives; they need their wives to follow their guidance.

When they observe the pure and modest way in which you conduct yourselves, together with your reverence [for your husband; you are to feel for him all that reverence includes: to respect, defer to, revere him–to honor, esteem, appreciate, prize, and, in the human sense, to adore him, that is, to admire, praise, be devoted to, deeply love, and enjoy your husband].
1 Peter 3:2 AMP
That’s the summary…respect him, defer to him, revere him, etc

6. Men need a warm environment to come home to
7. Men also need sex regularly

Now moving on to what women need… Ephesians 5:25-33

Husbands, go all out in your love for your wives, exactly as Christ did for the church—a love marked by giving, not getting. Christ’s love makes the church whole. His words evoke her beauty. Everything he does and says is designed to bring the best out of her, dressing her in dazzling white silk, radiant with holiness. And that is how husbands ought to love their wives. They’re really doing themselves a favor—since they’re already “one” in marriage.
Ephesians 5:25-28 MSG

No one abuses his own body, does he? No, he feeds and pampers it. That’s how Christ treats us, the church, since we are part of his body. And this is why a man leaves father and mother and cherishes his wife. No longer two, they become “one flesh.” This is a huge mystery, and I don’t pretend to understand it all. What is clearest to me is the way Christ treats the church. And this provides a good picture of how each husband is to treat his wife, loving himself in loving her, and how each wife is to honor her husband.
Ephesians 5:29-33 MSG
1. Women need love: The primary need of a wife is LOVE.- pure, undilatued, unadulterated, uncomprised REAL quality love (read the 5 love languages by Gary Chapman)

2. Women need communication; This love should be communicated through your words. (i.e. Communication- love can not be assumed, it must be expressed (communicated)

3. Women need affirmation – Every action and word spoken by the husband to his wife must be carefully selected to affirm the wife (Words are significant to women; build her up with your words…just like God sent his word to heal and deliver us)

4. Women need to be a priority: Put your wives first (cherish her), ensure that she is well taken care of (make sure she’s well dressed, fed, etc… The wife is the reflection of the husband, just like Christ is the brightness of God’s glory).

5. Women need security, a husband should protect his wife; he should be her covering.

6. Women need guidance, they need a leader. In order to help you fulfill your destiny, they need to see and believe in your vision.

7. Women need to be fed with the Word of God from the mouth of their husband.

When it is all said and done, marriage is honorable. It is a divine convenant; hence both husband and wife should rely on the leading of the Holy Spirit (it is not my human might or power, it is by the Spirit).